that is the coil I use it seems to do a very good job
I bought a couple of these Honda CR450R Elsinore coils to test with.True it works. But it DOESN'T deliver optimum performance and optimum voltage to the spark plug so I say spend the whole $10.00 bill and get the most of your CDI.
Ewww, SNAP!... and quit being a cheapskate, besides what are you really going to do with the $2 you saved? You must really like Orange parts.
that is the coil I use it seems to do a very good job
Does the GY6 CDI unit need a 12v DC source?
Gee Zezzz KC don't go gettin the Gin thing. Your cdi is just like a stock Jaguar with that 4.7uf timing cap. Which has a VERY LOW TIMING CUVER , which exactly what I intend to get away from you why would I want to try something that has such a low timing for you would have I use wish I could turn it down even more why bother getting the bike out and starting it? The High Performance engines need advancement not retardation! If vibration is the problem you're trying to solve its not truly in the timing its in the balancing and the truing of the crankshaft. Retarding the timing to smooth out the vibration is nothing more than a band aid over a gun shot wound. It works for awhile but the inevitable is coming
Death to the bearings. Theres no short cut to balance&trueness ★★★★
Here we go again, my Lightening CDI Kit is NOT a Jaguar type CDI
the schematic and layout is different the components are different the function is different there is no timing curve it is true accurate advancement .
My Lightening is in its own class and there nothing that comes close in the Chinagirl class.
Remember it has a BIG BROTHER that BOLTS a TWIN BANSHEE coil that run Freds
I run twins on both my bikes!!!
At the 2014 April 12th SMBR event at Willow Springs we will be dynoing my pal HuffyDavidson's CDI and other China girl performance stuff.I do look forward to seeing some actual dyno testing results as well.
Those are words of Jaguars concept that does not apply here. What I build works well and it's going to the track real soon and you'll see then.
Interestingly, the influence of mixture turbulence – which increases with engine speed-is so strong that the spark-advance optimum does not change much even over a fairly wide speed range. Indeed, from all available evidence, the ability of combustion-chamber turbulence to speed burning is so great that increases in peaking speeds frequently require a slight retarding of ignition, while advancing the spark may well give a small improvement in power at lower-than-peak engine speeds at the expense of maximum power.