New build...HF 79cc in a Trek


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
A new build using the HF 79cc 4-stroke's some pics

Wow!!! That is really heavy duty!!!! I notice that you have steel rims to handle the weight.

That bike stand is really something to be admired.
Wow!!! That is really heavy duty!!!! I notice that you have steel rims to handle the weight.

That bike stand is really something to be admired.

I must say you are very observant noticing the HD steel built wheels....on the other hand, that is a pretty cheap bike stand but certainly gets the job done. Thanks man!:)
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So what are you planning on using for your reduction???

Looks good I hope to have mine mounted soon.
So what are you planning on using for your reduction???

Looks good I hope to have mine mounted soon.

Reduction? This is gonna be direct-drive using the wide belt off of a Harley and giant alloy pulleys!

J/K....we're workin on that now, stay tuned.
Oh come on give me a little info. Like are you using a centi clutch is it going to be chain or belt drive and what is you final reduction going to be?

I read that it might be an EZM and hoping for a 2 speed????
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Oh come on give me a little info. Like are you using a centi clutch is it going to be chain or belt drive and what is you final reduction going to be?

I read that it might be an EZM and hoping for a 2 speed????

Well it will have an EZM mounted to it but I'm not sure what the final reduction will be yet. Not likely to be a 2-speed yet, but will see what the future brings. That's all I've got for the moment.

Lookin' good Scotto!

Your avatar cracked me up. Had to look 2ce.

Is day 2 of no sleep marathon and just happened to to be working on HF reduction. Double chain drive to pulley, shaft to clutch, to wheel sprocket. Encased in clear plastic with light oil. Couple of things to work out.

I agree with Blackenstiein, great bike stand. must be great to work standing up. Gonna have to find one.

Just asking, your mount gonna be ok? Looks like it is at it's limit

Lookin' good Scotto!

Your avatar cracked me up. Had to look 2ce.

Is day 2 of no sleep marathon and just happened to to be working on HF reduction. Double chain drive to pulley, shaft to clutch, to wheel sprocket. Encased in clear plastic with light oil. Couple of things to work out.

I agree with Blackenstiein, great bike stand. must be great to work standing up. Gonna have to find one.

Just asking, your mount gonna be ok? Looks like it is at it's limit


Thanks Dan, yeah that cheap 2-piece mount is near it's limit that high up in the frame, that's why I welded it, rather than bolting it. If it's too flimsy, I'll weld some angle-iron underneath on each side....will see how it holds up in time....hopefully soon.
A little update on the "Team Bintang" project, I'll let the pictures do the talking......

There will be more to come, the bike is nearing completion.......stay tuned
Your bike is really coming along, Scotto. I like it a lot. It is of particular interest to me because although I'm not as far along as you are, I'm also doing a Greyhound install and also had decided to use some old rear baskets I found in my "vintage bike treasure hunt". I had never seen this particular kind before which bolt to the axle from under the baskets and then straddle the fender with a couple fender clips to keep things snug above. Mine need a bit of repair and cleaning up, but will make the bike practical as a grocery/beer/library books hauler. I'll be interested to read of your impressions riding it. My rear driven sprocket is large at 65 Teeth and like you, I'm going to use the adjustable pulley on the EZ transmission. So, I'm following your build closely. Do you by chance have a close photo of the top of your engine showing the throttle hookup? I'm soon going to be at that stage and would like to see how others have done it. Also, what did you do regarding the governor? Many thanks, great build...


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Just disconnected the governor externally SB, not are some of the latest pics

And a couple more...


won't be long now.....
Some more pics of pipe finished and the new throttle linkage....and yes, that blue cover will be painted black....true Bintang Nation fashion!


Be ridin' this puppy tomorrow.....yeeeehawwww!
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