So I got my pullstart in the mail today and put it on and guess what happens next?
The flywheel literally breaks off. What the heck? This aluminum is so cheap.
Do I have too much compression?
How do I check compression? My spark plug seems good so I don't think the piston is hitting the spark plug and thus there seems to be some clearance so I don't think the compression is too high, but correct me if I am wrong.
The rocket key that I got from Daves discount motors looks bent up and it looks like I need a new rocket key.
This time I have only 1 copper base gasket instead of 2 of them that I had with my previous cylinder. Should I raise the cylinder to reduce compression by adding 1 more copper gasket?
I feel like giving up this sport because of how much money it costs to keep on fixing it, unless someone is willing to donate
. Seriously I don't want to give up, but I just don't have the money.
Also 1 of the fins on the flywheel broke.
Another thing is the slot where the rocket key belongs to is worn out and I do not want to buy a new crankshaft (this one is already brand new ever since the bearing failure). It's worn out on the upper half of the key slot, so I hope the lower half is good enough to hold a key in place. I hope a new key will have little to no play in that worn out key slot. If the key lifts up and reaches the worn out part it would get out of place and cause damage and/or wear it out even more or even the key would bend or something which I doubt would happen if it's the correct size?
If the key flys out of the slot however (since that worn out part doesn't hold it very well so if the key lifts up it may fly out I guess), it would definitely cause damage I think and/or cause a great amount of wear.
Do you guys think the crank shaft is still usable with that worn out slot?
Here are some pics:
This is the worn out key slot on the crankshaft
This is the flywheel