Motorized Bicycle Take a Tip...Leave a Tip

I intend to when I put it back together, but I'm still going to make sure by using my new motor-mount as well. The space under the motor is normally just empty anyway, so it can't hurt anything,and I'm going to pad the top with semi-truck tire rubber too. Better safe than sorry as this has happened three times so far and I really don't want the motor falling out while I'm riding!
Paint can tips: What I do is have a small tin can or jar with a lid, half full of paint thinner, and pull and toss the tip in the jar when done. Pull one out when you want to paint, all clean! Since I almost always use Krylon, the tips all fit. I usually turn them upside down too, to blow the paint out of the tube inside the can, but maybe I'll experiment and see if any actually clog up.
I have been plagued with rear view mirror problems. I think I have solved them. everytime the bike falls over it pops the rearview mirror off. I have one of those handle bar extension mirror. I have broke it and mended it at least ten times.

To begin with it was useless as a mirror until I bought the convex (or is it concave) spot mirror. Once I got it I realized that I didn't really use the big mirror any more. Since it comes with it's own adhesive, I thought I would just mount it to a coaster brake leaver. you know the piece that goes on the rear wheel. I just used the sticky pad that came with the mirror, then black taped it over the handle bar grip. It's funky but strong. Just a thought for today.
Hi All,
First time on this site. I will be electrifying my new Schwinn 7sp. cruiser. Not sure how yet but hopefully neat and clean. My last project involved spreading the frame and putting a 10 speed with coaster brakes on a Schwinn by using 2 deraillers. I welded the 10 speed onto the Schwinn gear. Worked ok. Then I used a car blower motor with a rubber chair wheel against the tire and 2 spong saturation 12 volt batteries. That worked great to keep me from wearing out to peddle with the kids. Worked great for a very cheap trick. Looking forward to reviewing the club info. Thanks. TT
I use 1" wide under ground rubber electrical splicing tape for rim.Streching it while wrapping 3 times.It will conform to rim and virtually become a solid piece of rubber.
thankthe more i reads for all these great tips guys, i been lurking for awhile now, and this info just keeps getting better the more i read, thanks :)
i got a good tip. this is to cut down on vibrations. drill a few holes in your frame and fill the frame with "great stuff". make sure and block off anywhere you dont want it to go like in your bottom bracket and goose neck bearings. try it and let me know what you think and if anybody knows of any other way to cut down on vibration let me know.
in regards to vibration and numb hands the best solution i have fount to date is to fill the handlebars with "shot"

the small metal beads they use for sandblasting.
i got a good tip. this is to cut down on vibrations. drill a few holes in your frame and fill the frame with "great stuff". make sure and block off anywhere you dont want it to go like in your bottom bracket and goose neck bearings. try it and let me know what you think and if anybody knows of any other way to cut down on vibration let me know.

There are enough holes in the frame already without drilling more.

It doesn't work too good anyway.
i dont know if this stuff is wd40 but

(TIRE WET or better known as BLACK MAGIC ) i dont know if this stuff is wd40 but i put it on my tires with an medium paint brush . it gos so much further than trying to spray it. . i mix it with heavy duty grease for other jobs . i use wd40 for when i need a straw ... heres how .. i have an old bowl that i pour it in , then i spread it with the paint brush / gos way further than spraying !!.. i have found that using this method all so works with windex window cleaning .. brushing saves a lot and gos on smooth,,,, just use a diferent brush for windows . as not to get grease remains on windsheild
Re: lol not really / just the shine stuff on my tires seat

lol not really / just the shine stuff on my tires , seat , all metal and i soak rusty old bolts and nuts in it too . i like it better than wd40 , i use it to thin down grease on my chain and mix them to smooth butter if needed, and to put a light coat of heavy duty grease on my bike handel bars and all parts if im goimg out in rain, and if you ever need an Degreaser use this > stuff B52 " Degreaser its awsome and wont hurt rubber . it will stain plexi glass though.. later ... thanks 4 response lol :) P.S. as bill alexander would say / ahh de all mighty paint brush , is it not der greatest invention ? its for more than just happy trees un clouds lol hes is 95 years young Alexander Art Official Site

Greasing your tires?!? On a BIKE? Do you oil your brakes too? ;)
When installing a shift kit I found that the clamps were just going to eat the paint and metal to pieces.So I cut some strips out of an old tire and put around seat tube.With the rubber and the webbing inside,the clamps have'nt cut into bike.Probably helps with vibration also.


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Re: cool idea old tire!!

[ cool idea with and old tire!! nice build and the motor looks mounted perfect !!!!!!QUOTE=JTinFL;174516]When installing a shift kit I found that the clamps were just going to eat the paint and metal to pieces.So I cut some strips out of an old tire and put around seat tube.With the rubber and the webbing inside,the clamps have'nt cut into bike.Probably helps with vibration also.[/QUOTE]
When installing a shift kit I found that the clamps were just going to eat the paint and metal to pieces.So I cut some strips out of an old tire and put around seat tube.With the rubber and the webbing inside,the clamps have'nt cut into bike.Probably helps with vibration also.

leather belt works real nice!
I also hated the throttle that came with the bike. I replace it with a shifter from a mountain bike.

HAHA. I did that with a lever shifter to a Goped Sport one time, except those are direct drive & don't have clutches (and mine was missing the brake). The thing was so dangerous after that, but it made it SOOO much more fun to try and drive in traffic. :D
As far as the handlebars vibrating I just stuffed some old hand towels with a screwdriver in where the hand grips go and that pretty much did it.