Motorized Bicycle limerick Poems

Re: MB limerick Poems

out of the box it came
$129 delivered but it is not the same
The sprocket won't fit
and i nearly spit
I guess it is part of the game
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Re: MB limerick Poems

His bike looked a little bit cheesy
With its 22cc weed eater it was wheezy
It would go 5mph against the wind
But 20mph back again
So he stayed home if it was breezy
Re: MB limerick Poems

The battery made the bike electric
The rider, he was eccentric
It was made from old bikes
And even some trikes
To say the least, it was ecclectic...............
Re: MB limerick Poems

i wasn't that far from home
thats when motor did groan
i got a bad chill
while going up the hill
I'm afraid my motor has blown
Re: MB limerick Poems

I was riding to work and was late
I did not see the storm grate
but it caught my wheel
and I took a spill
and now for my new rim I must wait
Re: MB limerick Poems

My brakes gave out even though they were new
So I decided to use my shoe
It worked out fine
Most of the time
Until it caught in the fork and I flew.
Re: MB limerick Poems

There was a biker who was into speed
He said "More gears, bigger motor, expansion chamber" I need
But when he looked in the bank
All could buy was a crank
And a new bell for his steed
Re: MB limerick Poems

The road's my friend, today I ride
My smile deepens, my eyes grow wide
A nasty thump, it get's stuck in my fork
Poor little rabbit, it looks like ground pork
Re: MB limerick Poems

I went to the gas station one day
To fill up my MB my way
With my minimum wage
I counted my change
30 cents pump 5 good day!
Re: MB limerick Poems

down thru town the MB went
it hit a bump and the forks just bent
the rider went around
then fell to the ground
and now in his head is a dent
Re: MB limerick Poems

There once was an engineer
At the China motor he did sneer
Within a week it became clear
the bike is now treasured more than a beer

The goal of perfection
has become an infection
without any direction
the goal is still perfection

The buzz and vibration
were once an irritation
A solution to the situation
will be a motorbike revelation

There once was a boy-go-fast
His reputation did not last
He did cling tightly to the mast
As his ship did sink
he began to think
My customer service must really stink

My attempt at a bit of limerick humor:D

Re: MB limerick Poems

the cns carb was the trouble
the power was in a bubble
the stock carb when in
now i'm riding again
I can go to the store on the Double
Re: MB limerick Poems

I put the Basket on the rear
has no affect on how i steer
i can jump on my bike
and go for a hike
then come back with a case of Beer
Re: MB limerick Poems

There once was a bicycle trail
My MB I move slowly like a sail
Breathing in the air
Time has no care
50 miles from home but I feel no fail
Re: MB limerick Poems

I rode my way to work
and almost got hit by a jerk
I give him a shout
and with a flick of a wrist
he stuck his finger out
Re: MB limerick Poems

My bike just sits in the shed
I know that it thinks I am dead
I would ride in the cold
But I'm just not that bold
And I'm not that sick in the head..................
Re: MB limerick Poems

the kids, they think it neat
I get chased by them down the street
I pick up the speed
Barley missed that tree
Man riding this MB is a Treat
Re: MB limerick Poems

While cruising a dirt road at a low speed
I went past a field full of fallen trees

Was a lady and some dogs in said place
the dogs spotted me and took up the chase

by the lady's urgent shouts it was made clear,
that she thought i had something to fear.

but her doubts that i could outrun, we're soon quite undone!
Re: MB limerick Poems

My motor bike really flys
she goes whizzing past the other guys
they ride their road bikes
it is such a sight
When i zoom by they start to cry
Re: MB limerick Poems

My MB is sexy that is for sure
she comes out to see it, that girl from next door.
just watching her legs straddle the seat
this is a sight that just can't be beat
she made it worth revving the motor some more