Motorized Bicycle limerick Poems


New Member
There once was a bike with a motor
It really needed a Blower
After the show the bike wouldn't go
So we dropped it off a Tower.sno.
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Re: MB limerick Poems


I once had a motor and broke it,
When putting it together I stroked it.
It had lots of power; Hey, she looks like a flower!
And that is the story of how I broke it.

Ok not that great, but whatever. Hope it makes sense :)
Re: MB limerick Poems

I built me a bike with a sprocket
Downhill it ran like a rocket
But going uphill
It made quite a squeal
And I used an hourglass to clockit.......................
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Re: MB limerick Poems

I wanted to ride in the snow
but the tires just wouldn't go
so i went to the bin and put some screws in
and now its sunny with a glow
Re: MB limerick Poems

I went ridin my bike one mornin
I thought I heard the weather a stormin
I looked with a leer
Right straight to the rear
And seen it was only Norman.....................
Re: MB limerick Poems

One day whilst touching my Whizzer
My wife became all in a tizzer
She liked the engine all right
She liked the paint black as night
She wanted to spoon and then later scissor.

Re: MB limerick Poems

I got my kit from China
the parts were made just Fina
It took just four hours
It has much much Power
SO fast it makes me go Blinda

Re: MB limerick Poems

There once was a man
from Nantucket....

Oh, wait, that one probably won't fly.
Re: MB limerick Poems

there once were mechanics
it was poetry they stunk at
they're words were just antics
not that im any better at that
Re: MB limerick Poems

There once was a bike with a click
from the rear wheel it sure sounded sick
"I can't figure it out"
the rider did shout
but in his spokes was a stick
Re: MB limerick Poems

One day while motorbicycling
Diane felt her seat had been tickling
The leather so nice
She rode it thrice
And returned all flush and giggling.
Re: MB limerick Poems

I kept squirting it in with a hypo
on the can it said it was nitro
I applied the brake
but we ended up in the lake
so the bike and me are now hydro
Re: MB limerick Poems

my motorbikes name is Steve
it always wants to please
i drive it all day
with such a small price to pay
to feel my hair blow in the breeze
Re: MB limerick Poems

There once was a guy from Ohio
Too deep for just a short bio
He got his first bike
No longer needing to hike
Now answers questions of "Why? Oh"
Re: MB limerick Poems

There once was a MBer named TexasDav
To a kid on the sidewalk he did wave
When he looked back around
he hit the clown
who stopped right in his lane.
Re: MB limerick Poems

One day my wife went out for a ride
when she ran over a skunk that had died
after four baths and a shower
I told her she smelt like a flower
while my eyes were watering I LIED!!!
Re: MB limerick Poems

There once was a Large Filipino
That rode his buggy bike to get the movie Juno
He set off to go
With his goggies in tow
And when home the goggies ate the poor movio

(what rhymes with Juno??)
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Re: MB limerick Poems

Once while riding my chain came off
Now lying on the table the doctor said cough
What he washed off in the sink
Was my master link
What once would get hard would forever be soft.
Re: MB limerick Poems

I went out to ride my Huffy
The tire she looked kind of Puffy
I noticed just then
Then wheel it did Bend
I guess it wasn't too Tuffy