I once had a motor and broke it,
When putting it together I stroked it.
It had lots of power; Hey, she looks like a flower!
And that is the story of how I broke it.
Ok not that great, but whatever. Hope it makes sense
I built me a bike with a sprocket
Downhill it ran like a rocket
But going uphill
It made quite a squeal
And I used an hourglass to clockit.......................
I went ridin my bike one mornin
I thought I heard the weather a stormin
I looked with a leer
Right straight to the rear
And seen it was only Norman.....................
One day whilst touching my Whizzer
My wife became all in a tizzer
She liked the engine all right
She liked the paint black as night
She wanted to spoon and then later scissor.
One day my wife went out for a ride
when she ran over a skunk that had died
after four baths and a shower
I told her she smelt like a flower
while my eyes were watering I LIED!!!
There once was a Large Filipino
That rode his buggy bike to get the movie Juno
He set off to go
With his goggies in tow
And when home the goggies ate the poor movio
Once while riding my chain came off
Now lying on the table the doctor said cough
What he washed off in the sink
Was my master link
What once would get hard would forever be soft.