Mossy's new shop...

I've always done everything myself... I rented a tractor with a bush hog one time and put 23hours on it in one day and had to change a flat... The rental place got mad saying a rental day was 8 hours...
I’ve built everything we have, I grew up in a contractor’s family so I didn’t go into it blind. I was young and did way too much of the work myself. The only thing I didn’t do on our house, I didn’t do the foundation, cabinets, carpet and floor coverings, heat and air. Three years ago I replaced our HVAC system myself, time is catching up with me now, can’t do what I used to.
Close to the same here, built my 40’ garage and shop. Then a couple years later, had house movers come in and jacked up my house, then dug a basement under. I tore off the old kitchen and made new, bigger one. Through the years, I have redid just about all the expired walls, new windows, stairway up to second story.. then a few years ago built a two story shed in back corner of my yard, 12x16 with a bump out, for potting room. Now has about half doz. Old bikes. …………Curt
Guys I've noticed a pattern with members of this forum, a large number of us are do it yourself types. I myself enjoy a challenge, I like to take on a job or projects that others don't. It drives my wife nuts.
Yup... Not everyone is into restoration of a 50 year old trailer... The previous guy got busted for dope and stolen property so it was a total decon... $25k in material another $150k in sweat if you hired it out... They never sell these either... With the sheriff's and county fire department and a library near by and on top of that the city is just finished up with new sidewalk and new developments coming in... Another thing is everything is new except for my hot water heater... They just switched to city water from a artisan well... So when I replace that all the sediment from hard water will go with it and it's truly a trash to treasure experience... But the insulation is big deal... The feral cats got into it over the years and it wasn't much to begin with... I'm also going to add Simpsons strong ties to the floor joists doubling up what's there to completely screw and refasten everything that was originally just staples... Another cool thing is just by chance without knowing everything is dead nuts level and 3/4" out of square over the 68' length...
No work truck full of tools just and Electra cruiser bike to get around on... Rolling out of home Depot with a box of screws and a case of DAP and then stop at the grocery store and pick up a few things and then go back and pick up a pallet you saw along the way is my usual routine...
120 gallons of paint inside and out... 35lbs. of screws 4 cases of caulk... How I spent COVID 19-'23... A few motorized bicycle parts to kill the boredom of winter...
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Friday snuck up on me... I had to get more adhesive and caulk because I used twice as much as I expected... But I only need to do 2 of those units to be able to move everything around and switch from my back room to the front room and after everything is dry and doesn't smell of paint etc. And do the last one... And I didn't completely finish the front room as I was leapfrogging around... Basically I live in one side while I do the other and it's like a ship in a bottle style of renovation... The bike parts need to go into storage and that will get rid of the dust and free up the space to live in... Except for a few things I'm still working on like the wheels and hubs that need measure for spokes... There's a few cranks I'm going to have made to get a 42mm stroke Polaris sportsman 90 crank in a 110 case reed engine for the cylinders I have for those... Just knowing I have almost endless supply of projects to look forward to it's everything to me right now... The tools is the next big push... But I need a place to put them and power them... A sink got me thinking about doing something with a bucket under a portable sink I can fill full of mess and not clog my plumbings with grease and pumice soap... Something like a potters bench I can run a hose to...
2 hours later... The hard part is done... Fitment... There's tabs at the bottom of the unit and I have to bend them to the right angle so it will drain any water away from the front... I drill some holes in the bottom to keep it from collecting more than a mm where the bit won't hit anything inside... Then touch it with some Rust-Oleum... Like anything else the little details make the project work and last and not have to come back and fuss with anything... Even the way the ply is cupped and then flattened out will help seal the top with that pressure... If it gets damp it will only want to warp tighter to the window...


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Now I'm very happy... In about a week it's going to be as solid as a brick and I can paint over the caulk... The plywood makes it weather tight but also a fight to steal the unit or burgle the place... I made sure the units work before I got serious about it... Slow and Low it's supposed to rain off and on next week so I get to test it out before the final paint that will protect the caulk from the sun and weather... If it cools off it will slow the curing and make it stronger...


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The bees turned down the box... The winds blew down a pigeon nest and now there nest is in the box tied up... One of the 2 babies didn't make it :(


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I checked on the nest.. empty... Cats around here probably got it... I tried... Cycle of life... I moved it to the porch and looks good where it is...
Anyways I'm getting packed up and will have my place back...


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For changing the springs in a 30 series TAV driven pulley...


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Ahhh... LOLOL... I've always been great at finding parts... Obsolete hard to find... You name it... I've never had the time before to really get deep into it... Motorized bicycle... All the major japanese brands and Polaris have a part I can use... Mopeds same deal... So I've invested the time and invested the cash to get samples from everyone and everywhere... Really enjoyed it and I shared it with the forum... And I know that burns some people... They don't like me posting all over the place... Bombing the forum with my posts about everything... It's not me to have to dummy down to some seniority click or anything else because it's a shock to there morning coffee time... I'm here to share my knowledge and learn also... I had over 2600 Post with 2800 likes on the other forum and it was still getting replays and likes a year after my ban... Because it doesn't say I'm banned lol... And I'm just getting started... Probably build something next year... Maybe... Every step and the steps in-between will be covered... I can reference these parts I've posted and do updates on price and availability... Maybe the kx65 reed that's metal dipped in rubber with boysen reeds for about the same price as a G2 plastic cage with casting flash all over it is better ? Could be wrong... The Happy time engine research and development team if they have one or Kawasaki ? Yamaha ? Suzuki? Honda? Polaris? And the numerous Italian scooter manufacturers... Pugeot? ... I won't mention the various bearing and seal manufacturers like... VBX skf Chicago rawhide... 123 bearings... Parts from almost every country... Nos parts... The only way to know these things even exist is from decades of experience... Some of the things were and some I don't know it yet are going to be fails... That's the price of progress... Do I need Honda cylinder studs and valve cover nuts ? No but I love that I can use a piece of these bikes I've grown up on over the years in my builds... Which reminds me I have to find the camshaft seal for the Honda that fits the crank seals on the HT... I think it's a CB750? And there's a tapered roller bearing for a cement mixer that fits the pugeot 103 hubs with some seals I haven't completely explored... Bosch makes a bolt that fits a circular saw that fits the small bevel wheel... It's just endless... Same as the haters... And as long as they think it's just to irritate them with all this it's a win/win
The neighbors :D enjoying the puddle...


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I got some different grease to try... black ops waterproof bearings... all the bearings except for the headset have been replaced...
The KT coaster brake... I got 2 wheels... first one lasted a week... this one I've sprayed bell ray blue tac chain lube into has last about 2 1/2 years and only adjusted it once just after it was put on... 150x longer and still going... didn't take the hub apart just sprayed while the wheel was turning once a month or so when I do the chain... the frame is a disgusting mess but you cant tell because of the color...


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Got my first load of wheels and frames ready to move after it gets dark... And if someone thinks they found a jackpot I got there jackpot ready for them ;)


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More on the way.... I'm just loving it getting to the end of the rainbow with a pot of gold waiting for me...


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Got my place back... Few more loads tonight and I'm back to finishing up the small projects and not a warehouse... Then I can get it full of tools and figure that out.. some before and after photos.... I'm tired but a very happy and satisfied with the progress


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I've taken a month off because it's hot and I'm lazy... Haven't spent any money lately... Nice to have some of that... Just chilling for the first time in a while.... I've got some shelves and the wardrobe to do this month... Still hot but I'm bored ... Just want to finish everything I started with the new place... I ordered a rebuild kit for the toilet... The metal kick plates for the entryways for the flooring in the shop when I get to that... Slowed everything down... I figured I'd done enough work and sacrifice for a while... It's 100% better than it was everything works and nothing needs immediate attention... I need to get ready for the shed project this fall... I was going to attempt a few other things but I think it will be too much so it's not going to happen in one season or year but over the next few... So no motorized bicycle building for a few more years...
One of the projects is to rebuild the stool... I basically stabilized the tiles by digging out the old grout and fixing the loose ones... It started with plating the 2x6's that were cut and broken from the original plumbing install or remodel... Most of last summer I spent redoing the plumbings and heat tape some electrical stuff and a basic clean up of everything under the skirting... And salvage of the extra stuff left laying around... Up cycling... I found a free couch and loveseat today but I had to pass but there is always stuff when you need it it's just a hand truck away... That blew a castor wheel.. 800# capacity... It was easily all of that and I got a partial refund so the $60 toilet kit was $10... Amazon paying to break stuff ;)


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