New Member
i haven't had the cover off to look yet, but the paper work says there are 3 arms with clickers on them, turn ccw to bring the clutch in at a lower rpm. with the gears in the nv all the low ranges are just about useless with the high rpm engagement, you have to be about half way through the ranges to get a little speed out of it. so it should work well with a lower rpm engagement since the gearing will still let it rap out before you up shift. the rear wheel cocked over on me today so i'm making toruqe arms to beef it up. it's just so radical engaging at that high of an rpm that it's hard on everything. once i get the clutch dialed down some i think it will be a lot of fun, as it is now theres no cruising, you just blast up to speed, then coast and then blast up to speed again, not realy fun riding like that.
That is the old style pre-2008 clutch. Pop the cover off and look. The 9.4 comes with the "grippa" clutch now. Unless you got an old one that had been sitting on a shelf for a couple years.