morini hotrod

This was all with the three shoe Grippa clutch I stuck in a 5.8 h.p. I kept stock except for the clutch. I chose this because it was infinitely more adjustable to me for a yet experimental set motor up.
most of the part breakage was with the coil springs in the clutch, it even broke chains with the fixed rear wheel sprocket and the coil springs. it now has the stock morini washer stack in the clutch, it's broke in to where there not to bad but i wish i could get it down some with out the chain breaking, it's still more of a drag bike than a cruiser.
hopefully someone will try the new 360 nuvinci with a 9.4, i sure would like to have gears.

i've never seen another 9.4 run in person so i don't know how much power others are getting out of them, but mine is a little scarey when it comes up on the pipe.
My desire to move up to the Morini is reliable power not top speed. If my bike could go 35 mph up a fairly steep hill I’d be thrilled. Everything I know about these engines comes from investing hours of time reading every post I can find here about it. I have the bike with the NuVinci hub that is set up for the SBP jack shaft. I have a line on a 5.8 with the upgraded adjustable clutch, Pipelyne pipe and found a local welder to weld the mounts to my aluminum frame.

Goatherder- With the Morini’s centrifugal clutch do you feel mating it to this hub is a good fit or problematic? I have a spare HT that i can throw on for free...
Thanks, Prof
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I will start with a straight shot answer. I am going to go with problematic for my answer on this one.

When you do get a clutch to work like I finally got mine you will have to pay very close attention to what gear you are in and form good habits. Eyes on the road and watching the shifter don't go together gotta get a feel for it. It is a pretty cool fun rodeo of liken to a video game that I did come to enjoy a lot .

Why ? You need X amount of rpm's/verses load to make the clutch grip and not surge. MARRIED TO THE N.V. at this point. Which is still very do able.. It has proven to me to be one extreme or the other. With my said early engagement at top speed I still had my clutch occasionally breaking traction under a heavy load. IE depeding on what gear I am in etc. Ether I had a cruiser or I had a hot rod.

Depending on my washer stack. I was never totally thrilled with it. This is not a energy efficient design to me as hotrod. Stuff like breaking chains, duty cycle on the N.V. hub [getting boiling hot] on long trips especially very big long mile hill climbs may disappoint you. Added drag and chatter of moving parts will rob some power IMHO. I had a blast with it in the city and it was not to bad. In better words there were less hills and shorter trips.

It could be true that the two shoe clutch grips better at low rpm engagement but dunno? I chose the grippa model early on at the time for more adjustment and its indestructibly and then day's of testing ensued lol. Also there seamed to be a nation wide shortage on springs for the two shoe at the time.. .

You may break a two shoe if you shift wrong on the N.V. and don't get a handle on it? [The surging,, got to match your momentum to your load] It worked for me great in the city and to me sucked on big hills unless the washer stack was set up right for it. The grippa I suspect is more of a high RPM clutch for the 9.4 Morini at 13000 rpm's verses the 5.8 Morini at 10000. The actual blow hole on the back of the carb on a 5.8 is just under a dime in size.

I think it is in a guy's best interest to go with a 9.4 h.p. motor and get the best free flowing noise dampening muffler set they can get their hands on. Even engineering one! Go single left side speed..This is where I am going with my next build. My cruising speed will average about 30 to 35 miles an hour.

There may be some C.V.T. set up that a guy could create? I am a single speed kinda guy now with the Morini. I will not be doing any more N.V. creations. I mean a guy can do a lot with a single speed clutch set right to do the work and the right gear size.

Also my full front and rear sus bike was a little over built at over 100 pounds and me at 240. It never did fall apart. I could get 30 to 35 cruising nicely.

''I would not use a aluminum frame with these motors in my opinion''. Not with any of today's thin bicycle tubing.
Goatherder- Ah. Thanks for your honest, insightful, detailed opinion. I was beginning to draw that conclusion but I needed conformation.
I psyched myself up to spend the money but am very fortunate that I researched before I bought. Whew!:-{
I am saving my nickels and dimes and next year I am buying a Felt or Electra and mounting at 9.4 to that bad boy. :D

Many thanks to all the helpful folks on the Morini links!