They can only be ordered on according to the makers web site, I posted info early on letting everyone know he had emailed me and told me that if we wanted them from him at the $40 we had to get them quick, now it is to late to order direct from his site.
This is what he told me in an email, so I think is it now, the good thing about that it now comes plug and play with a coil and plug wire, before for the $40 all you got was the CDI box. I dont think this is too bad of a deal if it helps.
Skarrd says he get ore RPM out of his engine...thats good if someone is looking for more speed with an engine that has the compression, fuel supply, and good flowing exhaust but goes flat before the engine reaches it's full potential becaue of the ignition being weak and have the wrong timing for the higher RPM's, I have an engine that I know will do more than it is now if I could just get it to twist up a bit more, maybe this is my answer to that problem.....shrug! I'll find out before to long for sure.
Do you know if they can still be ordered directly from the maker or do you now have to go through the distributor? SB