Now that Dracothered has sorted so timing can b advanced we need 2 know its not 2 far advanced. Ur plug is a good indicator. The sides of the center electrode should have an all over even covering of tan oxide. If the very end 1/2 mm or so shows a band of bare metal the timing is a bit 2 far advanced & the heat generated from this has burnt the oxide off. Advancing the timing can make good power but u dont wanna hole a piston. If u've ever got the motor apart, look at the underside of the piston crown. If its black from burnt oil ur running 2 hot. Cheers
Hey Dracothered, I hate 2 do this 2 u, u've done such a good job & I shoulda picked it up b4 (my bad eyes & small screen phone dont help)' but move the end of the 33 ohm resistor closest 2 the kathode of the SCR to the junction of the 1K resistor & the 390 ohm resistor. Sorry mate, u really have done a great job. Cheers
Well done Dracothered. This really is a big + for everyone as the CDI does make the motor run much smoother right thru the rev range with a hotter spark (depending on coil used, CR80 coil gives hottest), while developing better low RPM power & allowing it to rev much higher. U dont need electronics knowledge to put it together, & if u run into any problems dont hesitate to ask questions. Cheers
Hi all,
Im trying to find a SCR C106D that is 600v 8A.
But im finding it hard.
Would a C106M1 or a C122E do?
an SCR C106D but 4A and 400v
any help would be great. im still in the 'finding all the parts' stage