You're talking about this post and this image?
In between the Kathode & Gate of the SCR u need a 1k ohm & 390 ohm in series. The resistor in the R/C timing network is increased from 620 ohm to 760 ohm to keep the retard curve kicking in @ same time. Either 1 off the 2 CDI's will give smoother, more powerful opperation, on any China motor. U will need an external coil, CR80 gives hottest spark. The schematic is on Page 17, 6th post, this thread. Cheers
Hi, this is my first post, so hello all, nice forum lots of great info.
I've been following this thread and have been designing a PCB with ExpressPCB, neat program and its free. I've completed the KDX CDI schematic and my first shot at a PCB. But I'm no expert just a hobbyist who acquired a bike with a dead CDI, After seeing some of the schematics offered by rohmell, I'd now like to incorporate a resister pot to be able to fine tune along with a possibly external thermistor to monitor engine temp and adjust timing and have jumpers or switches to activate these extra features.
I have attached my work in a a ZIP file.
Ok, the origonal schematic is Post #166, this thread, by Headtrauma, posting for Ivan H, thankyou very much Headtrauma, or it still wouldnt b on here. If u want it to the Jag spec c post #193 & #194, this thread, I have posted those values. Either 1 works fine, or u can try changing values, the circuit is pretty forgiving, within reason. Cheers
Yeah, ur all good, just do like I said with the 1k, 390 ohm & 100 ohm with jumpers in paralell with thr 390 & 100 ohm. Im gunna do 1 like coz u've made it so u can advance the timing where with just the 2 A jumpers in paralell with the pulldown it only retards so u've made a lot more combinations possible. The charge caps r X2 type 275VAC polypropylene. The timing caps r 35V Tantalum. Note they r polarized, marked +, which must go to earth. Cheers