mock up kinda rough

cut of the cap side close to the boot as you can , most plugwires have an inner an outter core, carefully cut into the wire with a razor about 1/4 inch back , DO NOT CUT THE CORE pull off the outter sheilding to expose the conductive wire filiments use a ice pick or similar tool even a sharp pencil an pust it into the center of the filiments to create a small recess for the screw in the cdi to thread into , the join the 2 peices . easy as that .
I just got more parts in today , 3 small issues to deal with 1 concerns a bit more welding , then onto fitting all the parts to see if there will be any further isues an then final dissasembly , paint an body work an the great rebuild . HOT DOG I'M PSYCHED.
I wish I had a welder, it would make life so much easier. The spark plug wire I installed was a success, thank you so much for your help! Can't wait to see this bike done!
my mig welder is industrial but we use it almost every day here at work. harbor freight has some nice small 110 migs just never use flux core wire a gas sheilded weld is so much cleaner an stronger , then take a short course in welding some where those 110's can weld preety nice is set up properly.
Started to flesh it out today , installed the front end an speedo & cable , mounted the lights an new front wheel . tomorrow morning fitting the disc brakes an fabricating a longer speedo cable an drive cable an possible all the hardware on the bars including the clutch an throttle cablesboth of which I know need shortened.


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yesterday I broke it all down , its amazing how quickly something that just minutes ago looked like a bike can so easily resemble a pile of scrap metal .
Today I detailed up the motor not too flashy just a lil bit ,then exhaust pipe an started to do the bodywork - now I hope by the end of the week it should all be in primer an possibly by monday paint .


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all in primer


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Thanks all for the complements, I'd say its coming around to where it should be , I hit my biggest hurdle yesterday after the primer went on , I am a color guy I love toooooo many of them , blackcherry is a strong candidate as well as a deep cobalt blue 2 tone with shocking silver or a metallic orange with flatblack racing stripe I sprayed on a honda for a customer recently or a custom paint like one I did on an indian motorcycle for another guy it was burgundy an cream 2 tone it had a real retro feel an made a new bike look older than it actually was . ANY opinions guys ? or it may end up getting built in primer .
Well I don't know a whole lot about it, just saw it in passing one day. The it I am referring to is a black paint that is reflective. When I saw I knew I would have to have it on a bike one day. I like a black framed bicycle, my pedal bike is black with white lettering and it is beautiful. If the black paint were reflective also... man that would just knock it outa the park for me.
Once you get all the bugs worked out, you should finish the paintwork.
Don't let the mab go in primer!
I realize it's an effect, but it also shows a lack of imagination to leave one in primer.
I guess sometimes I just need a kick in the head that color problem I have been having seems to be solved a good freind/ customer came in he rides an we had refinished his bike so he was real into the mb build , I do agree no way in h*ll can I not paint this thing , all he said to me was just " go back to the basic paint tricks you do well an don't try to make it too flashy. " its going to be inferno red metallic with a old trick as a 2 tone .
Well I don't know a whole lot about it, just saw it in passing one day. The it I am referring to is a black paint that is reflective. When I saw I knew I would have to have it on a bike one day. I like a black framed bicycle, my pedal bike is black with white lettering and it is beautiful. If the black paint were reflective also... man that would just knock it outa the park for me.

You can put a reflective finish on with a Rust-Oleum product Home Depot sells. I'm sure others carry it besides them. In store I'd assume you can get singles. A 6-pack might be a few too many, unless you want to paint a lot of things or do 'invisible' reflective graffiti...
G, are you using House of Kolor, or ???

...the new paints are SO spensive!!! I'm still at a level using industrial alkyds left over from the biz, but I did pick up a gallon of the newest water-based poly when I was at the paint store a few weeks back. It shot real well. I was pleased with it. layed down real nice with only minimum orange-peel... a gallon is gonna last me forever on the mabs, but it was on the discount rack... an Oops blend... and I got it for $5 !
Frequently when I pass the paint store I drop in and ask to look at what they got in their mistake pile. then I gotta be creative with the blending. lol
I mix my color on site , an typically take a color right from the books an "tweak it " till I get what I want ,I had an old bodyman teach me how to mix color years ago he worked in a cali custom shop , an I always write down my formula in case of the inevitable scratch or chip. house of color is out of their minds but will finish it off with a polyester clear
Painted it , its a shame the pics dont show the depth of the red , but the one pic of the tank gives a good idea of this color . I also could not resist painting the nuts on the tank , too many freinds have told me " your nuts " so it seemed appropriate, an this bike got its name "JUST NUTS " 1 thing left to do now is have that lettered on the tank an build it .


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