gee thanks man, its a no brainer when you have a blacksmith shop to work from, i really feel for some of the guys on here who dont even have a mig and can only work with a prefabbed standard bike frame,, on the other hand pushing the boundaries on a pushbike frame just complicates things when it comes to fitting motors, chaindrives etc,, i practically have to customise everything to make it work,, i dont mind the challenge,, and i just want to make this thing look tough !! with some nice details, i spent a whole 2 days making a custom tank for it, and have just finished forging the tankstraps, i will post some pics when i get a chance,, at the moment i am trying to nutout what powerplant i am gonna shoehorn into it.
I checked out a 50cc 4 stoke lastnight called "Coral reef" i have no idea what its like but they offer a full kit over here,, i am thinking of something like that,, i also sent some images to some bike motor retailers describing the set-up and they all tell me the frame set-up i have will not work with the chains etc..
Because i decided on a lowrider style with crank forward, i realise i am going to have to direct the chain down and around the bottom of the motor by way of small derailleur sprockets with fabricated brackets welded to the frame,, i believe its all do-able.
Once i fitted the tankstraps i will start fully welding the frame and smoothing everything off together with some filler,, i dont wanna rush things, i am certainly enjoying the build so far.
Any way if there was a way to send a frame over to you i would mate,,

I see you have a body shop and are quite talented with the colours, wish i could say the same,, i have the gear but not the patience, i hope i do a half decent spray job,, i will needs some tips off you when i get to that.
Anyway if ya wanna checkout some of my work go to
cheers .