Mesa AZ Hello


Jul 19, 2008
Mesa Arizona
Hello to all from Mesa AZ. The database says I never posted here. I probably will post some. I come from many years of commuting by bicycle and 15 years working in the bicycle industry, but have not ridden much at all in 10 years because of back problems. That has changed as I just collected a quick 1200 miles in about 9 weeks. I rode at least 60 miles today and really still love to be on a 2 wheeler and love to pedal, sometimes. The motor has given me back the ability to ride. I use a Robin Subaru EHO35 on a Staton gearbox and hub mounted on a custom rack I built of 4130 Cro Moly tubing. I hope to get delivery of a Tanaka / GEBE kit this week to try another set up.


Active Member
May 18, 2008
Fountain Hills, Arizona
hi Lenny,
nice to see you here
I am done with the other place I think
wiped cookies and asked to have my acct closed
I just wanna ride and help others to ride theirs, that's all
this seems to be the place to do that


Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
Hello lenny, Welcome to the forum glad you joined us :D

We sure are getting alot of members from AZ (^)

It would be nice to get all the AZ riders on the forum together and go for a spin :)


Jul 19, 2008
Mesa Arizona
I am game and want to ride long distance like Tucson, Flagstaff, Bisbee and beyond. I felt threatened by some of the statements over ... Well that is past and fun rides and helping others get going is a good goal for now. As I rode past the area I put on a 2 day mountain bike race back about 1986 before the Butcher Jones turn off to Saguaro Lake I started dreaming up a 2 to 3 day event here in the same area for Arizona.

Imagine a long ride out beeline highway to Pumpkin Center turn off leaving before daybreak. The ride would go past Roosevelt Lake and along the Superstitions mountains on Apache Trail (dirt for 20 miles or so) and back out to Saguaro lake area where we would have camp grounds reserved for us all. Next day would be a hill climb up Four Peaks and maybe a lap race for those who like to race on a short 1/2 to 1 mile dirt track.

I don't know if the whole thing could be reasonably be done, but I would like to get a committee together somehow to discuss the options and possibilities. And I do want to ride those places and maybe New Mexico and California too.


New Member
Jun 28, 2008
Holly Pond, AL
I don't know if the whole thing could be reasonably be done, but I would like to get a committee together somehow to discuss the options and possibilities. And I do want to ride those places and maybe New Mexico and California too.
If I lived out in your neck of the cacti, and could get a committee together, I'd be looking for lost silver mines, or mother lodes of turquoise to wholesale to the hobby jewelers.

With modern day lights, metal detectors, cordless tools, it would seem plausible that a team of three to five folks might just discover a vein, hit the lottery.

Part of the mystique is being able to go under the radar, and quests for "El Dorado" are always a good thing to rally round.

If I was closer to that Crater of Diamonds in Arkansas, thats another place I'd get a team of MBprospectors headed for a weekend, one lucky find, and everybody gets free gas.


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Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Welcome to the forum lenny. With your experience you'll really be an asset to the forum. Glad you joined us.....................


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
welcome to the site. its wonderful to here how these little motors have made so many of us able to ride and feel young again. like you i ride everyday however this island is only 28 miles long and 8 miles wide at the biggest points so my cross country rides are not that big lol. but the scenerey and weather make it paridise and i am enjoying it big time. glad to have you with us and look forward to hearing more


Jul 19, 2008
Mesa Arizona
Cool video MrLarkins. I bet you are a good math teacher, and maybe you can help me remember some bicycle formulas i used to know. I liked to use them as I rode before the computer figured most thing for me.

Bonneville may be out for me this year, as days off are hard to come by with a new position at work. I had hoped to be a part of some history in the making. I may work it out but am not expecting things to change. Thanks for asking stude13.

And thanks for the welcome here from all. Now I better go do my weekly maintenance on my current bike and get ready for new bikes. I had to remind myself to not get up and do another 60 miler today, maybe tomorrow... cruiser I would know every turn of every road and would love the repetition on such a beautiful place to ride.
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MB Builder Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2008
coventry, RI
hey its lenny!
upon having a peek around this site, it looks like we wont have to worry about having jack-booted stormtroopers bust in our houses in the middle of the night, to confiscate our chinese happy-time engines. rotfl
seriously, we're not going to have the political drama here.
good to see you.



Jul 19, 2008
Mesa Arizona
Spunout I am looking forward to a mellower existence. I actually ordered a HT today for the Sick Bikes Shift kit I also ordered. I may need to sell one soon. That will be my 3rd bike and I have yet to receive the Tanaka/GEBE, my 2nd.

Bama The Superstition Mountains are home of the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Legend. I have spent some time in the mountains especially Reevis Ranch and Peralta trail. The mystery survives still.


May 9, 2008
Mesa, AZ
Lenny... I've left the "other place" as well.. too much political BS going on over there and I'm tired of it. The last Chatzy session I had was with with a couple of members who shall be unnamed... to the point, I was chastised for owning an HT engine. Not a good way to treat your members. I will not support them anymore.

I just want to ride and share ideas, and this place looks like a good one to do just that.

justbill, good to see you here as well. It was nice riding with you the other day. My back is still hurting pretty good and Im off work till early August at least.. I hope to be on the new bike by the time the Dr. releases me.


New Member
Feb 21, 2008
Hey Lenny, welcome. Glad to hear you are getting your distance trips in. Im jelous when I hear about your scheduled trip route. I spend a week a year In apache jun/Mesa visiting my folks and I know your route exactly. Wish I was there. Well, maybe when it cools off a bit.


Jul 19, 2008
Mesa Arizona

June is a long ways off and maybe when you come we can do that or another ride. Racers always do the mining country loop, about 95 miles with 3 major climbs thrown in. Superior to Globe to Hayden and back to Superior. June is not the month to invite visitors to the Arizona Desert for most things, but since you will be here we will just have to have a second bike for you. I just got parts for my second bike a Tanaka / GEBE I hope to put on a yet to be built frame.