A trip to the slat flats! I would love that.
Seriously tho, harry is right the last bike I made did upwards of 60mph and that was just a little 200cc with a 3600rpm limit. Any thing is possible with the proper gearing, and I highly doubt that the real btr did 100mph on there first lap. I'm sure it took at least 3-4 laps to reach top speed. Have you seen some of the old videos? Some of them had to have another street motorcycle to get them going because they were geared so high.
I was talking to a guy who put a 18hp Vanguard in a Cushman scooter and he said his top speed was about 70. Now that is with a 10inch tall rear tire and a 50-60t rear sprocket with a comet 44 cvt. So if he can do that, I don't see why I wouldn't be close to 100mph with a 27inch tire and a 38t sprocket.
But in a reality will I ever do 100mph on this bike? I doubt it, but I want the bike to have the spirit and feel of the real deal.
p.s. Burt Monroe was a rad dude!