lessons learned from pets

Kind of a bummer but Shelly, who started this thread, is on her last legs. Worse is trying to get Carol emotionally prepared. Well, "kind of" and "worse" might be poor choices....
She has to be carried up stairs at night and back down in the morning. Very often pooping and peeing on my arm during the downward trips. LoL, thats fun. No appetite or thirst. We have come up with interesting ways to get her to eat and drink.


Shelly just busted in the room, gave me a look. Then turned around and left. Her Highness does not like the doors closed! LoL

Dumb cat does the same thing.
When will we learn? (2 leggers)
Dan I know what that's like, we lost Honey last August. We only have a cat now that is 18+, when she is gone we don't plan on having anymore pets. Loosing Honey was worse than it has ever been with all the other pets, I can't handle it anymore.
Man. Freakin choked up. Sorry about Honey.

Yep, that's it for us too. Way back in here somebody said "a pet is a tragedy waiting to happen. Got no words. Knew I shouldn't have posted.
I can understand how it is. Lost my dog in 1982 and just couldn't do it again. Now I just love up everyone else's dog like it was mine.

Sorry to hear about Shelly and Honey. Losing a family member is never easy.

When the decision time came, I called the vet out to my Bootsie, rather than take him there where he'd have been terrified in his last minutes. All we can ever do is be kind to our hairy children.
I can understand how it is. Lost my dog in 1982 and just couldn't do it again. Now I just love up everyone else's dog like it was mine.

Sorry to hear about Shelly and Honey. Losing a family member is never easy.


That is sound thinking, Steve!

We are gonna try new meds for her. So no visit to the Dr.Kevorkian.
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That's what we did Dan, our dog lived 4 good years by taking meds and injections. Honey was our sons dog, but when he got married and rented in town he couldn't take her with him. That was OK because they couldn't afford the meds anyway, good luck.
Man. Freakin choked up. Sorry about Honey.

Yep, that's it for us too. Way back in here somebody said "a pet is a tragedy waiting to happen. Got no words. Knew I shouldn't have posted.

We'll always have pets.

Smokee, Manno and Prince have all gone to doggy heaven. We cherish the memories we have of them. When Tracks and Rosco leave us, there will be others to take their place and share our love.
Dan, my thought when I hear of someone's dog or cat crossing the rainbow bridge is that the pet could never have had a better life. They were loved, cared for and enjoyed the whole time they were here and they will be remembered forever.

We can only hope we do as well.

Hey Dan my wife sent me a picture of 5 puppies that were brought into the clinic today, the only thing I replied was"no".


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My nephew was telling us this story yesterday and I'll try and put it into family terms.
He has two friends who are in our Militia/National Guard with him. I'll call them Parties A and B. They're room mates.

Party A has a plan and Party B has a cat. The cat was not harmed.

Party A gets up earlier than Party B so he cleans out the cats litter box before he leaves for work and skuffs up the cat litter so it looks normal. This goes on for a couple of weeks and Party B is stressed that his cat isn't using the litter box. Party A keeps saying don't worry it's normal.

One morning Party A cleans the cat litter box and substitutes one of his own that by all accounts was monumental and covers it with cat litter. Party B it seems gets up and checks the litter box and grabs the cat and stuffs the poor thing into it's carrier and calls work to say he'll be late and rushes of to the vet who of course can't find a thing wrong with the cat.

Party A gets home and hears the full story from the now wide eyed Party B. Party A offer condolences of course and then tells Party B what he'd been doing.

Party B took it in good humor. I have a feeling that the pay back will be epic.
