Kawasaki FE120 4-stroke build coming up...

Lookin' good Scotto.

Did you change the oil fill to the back or is that how the engine came?

Gonna make changing the oil a snap

That's the way it came, but there is a plug in the filler neck on the other end so you can go either way....pretty slick.

Started it up for fun again today....man is this thing gonna fly! 4,000+rpm's of pure grunt! Look out!
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We're gettin the mount finished up tomorrow.....just need the tranny and the throttle to be hooked up for the first test ride.......won't be long now. Very excited about this build, it's coming together very well so far, with some parts from that old Peugeot moped that's nearly gone from my backyard now. Sometimes it does pay-off holding on to old junk, this is one of those rare times, I don't recommend it howeverrotfl
Here's some pics of building the rack mount....


Some pics of the rack fabbed up and ready to be welded. Did not use a jig so pop-rivits are used till the rack gets tacked, then welded.

more to come....nearing completion
Clever setup... dang these suspenders are tight. Makes my voice a little high. Hurry up woodja? Alla time yer keepin me in suspenders, man! I want to see that thing run...

Thanks guy's. You can loosen them suspenders SB, the tranny has arrived! Gonna go weld the rack up, re-install, throw the powerplant on, whack the tranny on....we'll see how far we get today. Still need to get a reeeeally long throttle cable for this thing. BBL.
Here's the rack all welded up, took most of the day but it's done. Mounting the tranny to the black beast now.....similar mods to the HF build with this tranny. The HF is the same config as this big boy with it's rearward slanting cylinder which is nearly the same as the 4hp 120cc Honda 4-stroke powerplant. I wonder who copied who here? Some more pics to bore you....


Nice, stout rack. That isn't going anywhere, is it? As for the engine, don't know for sure who copied who, but pretty sure it wasn't the Greyhound that got copied. Still in a state of suspense, so keep those progress reports coming...
Rack's done, tranny is nearly there, engine is ready (gov is gone...oil shutoff removed) it's gettin closer....

The motor sure cleaned up nice. The clear plastic with engine mounting holes on it... I'm guessing that is your template, yes? That's a good idea using a see through material. Must remember that!
The motor sure cleaned up nice. The clear plastic with engine mounting holes on it... I'm guessing that is your template, yes? That's a good idea using a see through material. Must remember that!
Ok folks, to answer a few questions and an update on the monster tandem. Yes the top plate hinges on the rack for chain tension and the handle is a plus. The clear 3/16" plexiglass is the template for mounting the tranny to the big Kawi motor, it really helps making the mods correctly with less guess work. Got the rack mounted today but still need to modify slightly for the engine fitting. Still need to find a long throttle cable and pinapple mount the rear spocket....no rag for this build. Getting closer....can't wait to test ride, neither can p hood the proud owner (pictured below)


And test fitting the engine in the shop

