Is there a proper way to adjust the float in the (toilet) carb bowl?

I use safety wire on my fuel line as a hose clamp very cheap and easy to do I think I have a picture of my clamps in the carb post. I use the 0.031 stainless safety wire. To make it work you have to pull it snug then twist it and there is a special little wrist action twist to get it really tight but I can't explain it, I'll have to get Bob to video me doing it.
I took the o-ring out. Gooped up the manifold, slid the carb on. Same problem. Dang.
Wht is the same problem cuting out at wide open throttle? you must have the carb form **** send me it. I'll take a look at it and Rufus will bury it in the litter box that will fix it.
then we can send it back deboogered.
It will idle all day and not miss? Have you did anything to the carb? Do you have a little red gasket under the fuel inlet pipe on the carb? Is the fuel inlet pipe to the carb tight?
It will idle all day and not miss? Have you did anything to the carb? Do you have a little red gasket under the fuel inlet pipe on the carb? Is the fuel inlet pipe to the carb tight?

Yes kinda sorta
No not a first - then I monkeyed with it like a baboon

But the problem is solved!! See my new thread!!

(It was indeed the carb. Brand new carb and the engine runs GREAT)

I will take the main jet out and measure it on the comparator at work.
Congratulations on the running bike. Now go out and ride the heck out of it. Send the old one to norman so you know what the heck was making you crazy lol
pablo i will compensate you for the carburetor and shipping to get it to norman. i think him figuring it out what the heck was wrong would be very valuable to every one. let me know.
I agree with cruiser... It would be good for us to know what the heck it was. I have never seen so many contradictory symptoms
I agree with cruiser... It would be good for us to know what the heck it was. I have never seen so many contradictory symptoms

Indeed. Allow me to measure the main jet. Then I'll bag it, box it and send to Norm if he ships it back to me all cleaned up!(^):D;)
We should all chip in and start a pool of loaner parts. Pablo's old carb could be a start after norman makes it work of course. lol. I got a perfectly good chrome clutch lever, no wait we want parts that work lol
pablo i will compensate you for the carburetor and shipping to get it to norman. i think him figuring it out what the heck was wrong would be very valuable to every one. let me know.

PM me. Norm - please PM me your address. I'll clean the fuel out, bag and box it and ship the thing. Now remember the engine NEVER ran correctly with this carb - the float is not in the original position so don't jump to any conclusions - that float was in every position but loose.
When I worked on cat engines in Va. My buddy and I would sometimes get an engine what would give us fits would not run right and carry a load these were turboed and fuel air ratio controlled so there could be all kinds of nasty things wrong. We had to make it run or we couldn't go home. We had a game we made out of it called "stump the chump" we being the chumps man sometimes it would be a while before we could get the thing to run but we did.
Pablo's problem had me thinking of that and then Pablo brought it up made me laugh.
We will either fix it or launch it into low earth orbit.rotfl
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