Indian Tadpole

Found this while looking around the net. Check the bottom of the page and look at the other pages. Not all old bikes but some one made a 3 wheel motorcycle powered car with tandem seating.
Has an Indian tri car of course and some really great ideas for the next tri cars Silverbear and I can build.

I want the Bosch delivery truck.

Did you say something about building more tri-cars??????? If I ever get this one done it will be a miracle. Maybe a three wheeled velocar someday (and maybe not, too). Let's talk about when it we finish the ones we're working on. Some pretty cool machines on the website, I'd agree.. I've got a pontoon cabin boat next in line. Right? I can see you're all fired up about your tri-car. Let's ride around on them for a year and then think about whether or not we want to do it again. I was kind of thinking another canoe sidecar would be nice for the Hiawatha... with a curved sidecar frame. But I don't know about another whole bike. Unlike you, I'm getting old.
I'm looking ahead and I've got my bifocals on. I just don't see a row of tri-cars out there. I can see a great big pontoon boat with a cabin on it and a sail up front... and a couple old farts fishing on it. Maybe it's blocking the view and there are some tri-cars on the other side of the boat. Ha!
Has Moosh got her doggles on because maybe she could point it out. :)

Too true though. So much to be done. Good thing we're going to live to 110 so we can get it all done.

Just look at that beautiful, crazy thing! Makes me wonder what they were thinking...seems like driving that contraption would be a bit of a juggling act.

Its a 1996 Leon Bollee Forecar.

I would imagine driving that on a muddy, rutted or rough cobble stone street would have taxed the best of men. The steering would have required wrists like most peoples thighs.
Put two people in the front seat and the dance is on.

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Did a little Googling and actually saw pictures of a guy driving one....That steering set up seems pretty innovative for the time, sort of like an early rack and pinion? Still that magical left hand lever did everything else....I guess the engine just ran and there was no such thing as throttle?

"The driver steered with his right hand, while his left operated a versatile lever that changed gears, applied the brake or engaged the driving belt. The Tandem tricar was built in 1899. Nor more than a handful are known to exist."

That thing is just cool, thanks for sharing Steve
That's a good looking machine. There's a lot to like about it. The steering might be dicey unless you stay at about 5 mph. So that's a forecar. Does that have anything to do with foreplay? Just wondering. I guess building one would be foreplay with your forecar. Ha!

Thanks for googling that. Very interesting indeed. They said it would go 27 mph but I'm willing to take their word for it.

Thank you for the link to the Leon Bolle' tri car.
It sure would be a fun build with a Lifan engine as mentioned and the throttle worked by the D handle or for those that are really daring a multi speed transmission. Maybe if the Indian tri car doesn't finish me off I'll give it a try.

Looks almost real, doesn't it? That lady in the white outfit must be what is called "a honky", right? She has a squeeze bulb horn and everything.
Having been beside one of those brass bulb horns when a wise guy gave it a squeeze I can tell you that young lady would be out of her seat in an instant and not happy about it unless there was some warning.
