Indian Tadpole

Thank you, that is priceless. Watched it twice and built it once in my mind.
A rebuilt Gravely motor from Ricksrides and a I'm off to the races. No chance of me going to Heaven now, I'm too far gone.


FE, Like the Iron Worker`s told me when was running Tower Cranes, that was as close to heaven as I would ever get. Am not sure about you yet, will decide next summer at Eagles Nest Bike Camp! The months are ticking away. They got the 29 ft ponton home from Jack Links Boat Sales, the Jerky guy.

Been busy with my diy saw mills, putting a 18.5 hp on the chainsaw mill and getting the parts for swing blade mill.

Keep changing my mind of my stretch cruise motor choices etc. Later "Bouy`s"

Neat Times.
I have the two front axles that I bought that probably were golf cart front axles but never used. Silver bear bought one so we could build a pair of velocars which are in the works but I have the extra axle. Didn't know what to do with it but kept coming back to building a tricar my way.

Lots of brass and leather. Maybe painted and pin striped metal panels. No pedals since it will be used off road at car and bike shows only and then Killer Canuk sends the 1906 Griffon youtube.
Perfect, since I was picturing a big antique looking motor like one of Ricksrides, Gravely motors. Build a solid frame to hold it, moped wheels and tires for it to roll on. Like I said there is little chance that I'll get to heaven.

On the other hand the Indian tricar is coming together like gangbusters. The seat foot rest is on and looks good. When I compared it to the one off Silverbears tricar I had a "What on earth were you thinking when you built that, or were you, moment"? My bro wasn't as kind but closer to the truth. All the parts are cut out for Silverbears foot rest and I'll get his together in a weeks time. We have a few sunny days and I'm trying to get any outside work done while it is like welding and grinding.

Had to change the seat stays where they meet the seat post. When I was using the other gas tank I used a couple of chain stays as seat stays and they worked. Now that I found a photo of the rear end of an Indian that shows all the details I cut the tops off the seat stays and made them straight and moved them in tighter to the rear fender.
Now this tank fits better and looks right. Have to build the oil tank and then I'll try and get it together and take a photo so there is an idea of what it will look like.

Meanwhile I have some tricar plans to make. :)

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Steve, looking good bud,you considering a big thumper in this build. It would move right nicely with a gravely. Go on youtube and listen to one of these run under load, with a pipe and canister exhaust like they used around the 19 teens it would sound like the real thing too. you just let me know and ill get you a engine and gearbox/oil sump so you can rebuild you one. All said and done itll cost alot less the one from timeless or the real thing.
My thoughts exactly. It would give me the look and feel of a period engine without the cost. You'd be rebuilding it though. I have neither the interest nor the skills to do it.
It would be a next years build even if I put it ahead of some others I'd like to do.

My thoughts exactly. It would give me the look and feel of a period engine without the cost. You'd be rebuilding it though. I have neither the interest nor the skills to do it.
It would be a next years build even if I put it ahead of some others I'd like to do.

Steve I understand completely, Ive got so many possible builds drawn up with limited budget for builds. Then of coarse theres the which one do I want first problems. On top of that I have 7 custom builds already this winter, it keeps this up much longer and Ill have to stop claiming to be retired.
My kids are going to be mortified when they find out where thier pitiful bit of an inheritance has gone. Well maybe not my son so much because he's a bike nut but his sister is going to be wild.

Yes, the which one is most important. I may have to sell the ones I've built before I build any more because there is literally no room for more with out renting storage space and that isn't cheap here and I'm afraid to ask how much.

Just checked the storage price. A 10'x15' storage locker in a really secure building is $251 a month + 12% tax on top of that.

Just checked the storage price. A 10'x15' storage locker in a really secure building is $251 a month + 12% tax on top of that.

I would not have thought that space would be that high of a comodity in CANADA... some 2x4s some OSB and some canvas (coated in wax) would be my cure as far as security Ill leave that to my friends...Smith, wesson, ruger,l uger, webley. well ya get the point
A half acre lot with a tear down house where I live with my brother and his family runs around a $1,000,000. The land where the storage unit is commercial on a major street and I couldn't even guess at what the land costs plus the building.
Vancouver and area has the highest prices for land of anywhere in Canada. Kind of L.A. north and we have gun control. The Border Collie/Newfoundland dog would work as well as a gun. Quieter until the screaming starts. :)

A Gravely powered tir-car of your own design in the spirit of the early years has much appeal and sounds absolutely right for you. Comfortable to ride, easy to get in and out of even for a cripple, gears and plenty of power in reserve... sounds perfect. And it is something you could also ride here at bicycle summer camp. What a great ride that would be to and through Bear Head State Park. It would be your own one of a kind time machine and what better legacy to leave behind than that. "My dad, your grandpa, made that!" In my book that's more valuable than money.
Forget the velocar. This is better!
Kind of L.A. north and we have gun control. The Border Collie/Newfoundland dog would work as well as a gun. Quieter until the screaming starts. :)

Steve.[/QUOTE] Sometimes, I forget you're in the land of unlocked doors. I have plenty of gun control here in the US. 2 hands on the weapon and I hit what I aim at. As for the dogs my Staffshires passed and my wife picked out the fat basset we have now, she wanted something to play with the grand babies and all that dog does is eat,sleep & s**t. Friendly enough but as lazy as Ive ever seen a dog.
I've been thinking that the velocar is way in the distant, maybe, when everything else is built. I've been fascinated by the tricars since the tricars we're building, started.
I had been cruising the web to see what a nice older one tricar would look like that was in between the Indian/Hiawatha tricars and the tricars that look like a 3 wheeled car.

Killer came up with just what I was looking for and there was even a video. Thank you Sir. The path has been set.

Yes it would be perfect for the Bear Head State Park road and maybe a sneak ride into town for lunch in the park.

Finally have the gas tank and oil tank done. It was a fight but other than a bit of trimming and some body fill it's done. When I started it looked easy to do but it sure was anything but easy.
I feel that I was able to get the size and shape correct. The oil tank in front is just a shell to complete the look.

The original tanks had a rounded top on them and a lip on the sides. There was no way that I had to form that so I took a new 26" rear fender that I had bought and clamped it between two boards in the vise to spread it apart so it would fit over the tank then bent the edges over as it was clamped into place on the tank.
I should have used a baseball or some other round object to do it instead and next time I would.
Clamping it left parts of the fender pushed in where the wood rested on top of the fender. Something like a baseball rolled on the inside of the fender may have prevented this. The black spots on the tank are where I spot welded the fender to the tank.

Here it is and as always click on the photo to go to photobucket.


And you'll be selling these for the rest of us at $59.95 each, is that right?

I think it looks great and the nice rounded upper surface is the cat's meow. Another milestone progression in this epic build.

Will you need to use a tank sealer inside or do you hink it will hold fuel without leaking?

What's next? Are you still going with the 98cc model 1932 Fitchel & Sachs engine or will you go with something else? As I recall you were toying with the idea of using the Jacobsen 146cc two stroke instead. Either one is a good choice, I think.

Can't wait to see the front end done and in place. That's going to be an outstanding tri-car!
Most definately in the tank business. Introductory offer is $49.95 with a $200 deposit and the Pay Pal address is stevegofast. Refunds are available if you can find me which may be really hard if there is enough money involved.
There are 8 blood hounds still trying to decide just where I went after the last unfortunate incident.
If you can read the fine print I'm firing the printer.

Of course it's the old story. If I was to make another one it would be a breeze instead of this nightmare. Dan/Tinsmith has helped me with suggestions for a soldering iron instead of the propane torch with was hard to use.
I will be using a tank liner for sure since this tank was made by the Titanic Tank Co. in close relationship with the Iceberg Steel Co. Marketed by Kantsink Inc.

Rick of RicksRides has found yet another Jacobson snowblower motor and it going to modify it for me so it looks more period correct. He'll remove the fins on the flywheel and trim the plate behind it. I'm discussing with Rick about moving the carb up a little on an intake manifold.

The Sachs 98cc is going on the Hiawatha girls bike that I modified when I was at bike camp the first year using the Wander tank that you gave me since it's set up for a Sachs shifter. I'll add the trike rear end that I purchased from Chaimmaker a couple of years ago. I'd like to do a board tracker but with my balance problems that will remain a dream.

I'm looking forward to seeing this all together too. When the seasonal monsoons stop here in May, I'll mock it up but with luck it will be going together permanently by then. It's next summers ride.

98 Sachs, lordy ah lurves it when you talks durty like that. Have you been inside it, and does it look like the ancestor of the Chinese motors?