The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Can't wait to see the pictures...
I finally have the front axle on the bike. I was working on the tube that runs from the axle back to the frame at 1am and despite measuring it at least 8 times and getting the same number I managed to cut it to short. I did the happy dance up and down the driveway when I discovered that.
I do seem to have a talent for that so once again I have to add a few inches to the tubing. Amazing how good you get at doing that after a while and really good if you do it as often as I have.
I cobbed a piece in to get it together and that's what you see in the photos. No, I wasn't to proud of myself when I did it.
The steering is running smoothly at least. Wondering how it will steer with someone in the front seat. That may have been part of the problem when they where new and then you had to find someone who didn't mind being covered in mud,dirt and road grime and being the front bumper and an early version of an air bag.
That would have added to the adventure as well.
Looks like I'll be able to work on it monday when this endless rain ends for 3 days or so they claim. This is the wettest and coldest June since 1971. Couldn't tell you how thrilled I am to be part of it.