Indian Tadpole

Thanks P.S.D. Getting towards the finish now.

No need to worry about the shipping. It's already in a container and if you would just forward $250 to Good Luck Shipping in Botswana, Nigeria to cover the paper work we would be happy to forward it to you at no extra cost.

I'll make up an engine mount like mine for the Jacobson you have. The ends that mount on the bike I'll leave until you want to mount it and they can be cut to size. Easy to do before I weld them in.

Thanks Steve. I'm arm wrestling myself over which bike the Jacobson should go on. The American Flyer currently is running a 99 Predator with EZ transmission. That bike is pushing the canoe sidecar and has a lot of weight including me and the dog so it could use some extra horsepower. If I use the Jacobson on it then I'd match it up with the same transmission which would just mean new engine mounts and everything else would remain the same.

On the other hand I had been thinking about a new build next winter using a 51 cantilever framed Schwinn with a belt final drive to a Whizzer type sheave on the rear wheel.

Maybe what I should do is find another Jacobsen and sell the preddy engine. Wonder if Rick has another Jacobsen?
Maybe what I should do is find another Jacobsen and sell the preddy engine. Wonder if Rick has another Jacobsen?
Yes I do SB however curtis had a 1940s model jacobsen bet hed sell it for a fair price if he still has it. If not let me know.
I'll make up a couple of sets so there will be a spare set to make more from. My thoughts are that these engines will get a person on wheels while still being in the better Chinese 2 stroke money range.
Being made in the U.S. is a bonus but the 49cc limit has to be addressed as well. Hope to get a fair bit done on the tri car this weekend. Supposed to be dry and warm so I can get outside and work.

Well today was more than sunny and warm. It was freaking hot. Temps like we are not used to in our part of the world. Perfect!

Got the motor out of the tri car so I could sandblast the fake crankcase and prime it. Put the front suspension and wheels on the bike and got it out on the lawn to take some photos.
When I cut the old down tube out the rear mount for the tri car went with it so now it's time to make a new one. That's tomorrow project. Have a few things to get to make the steering operable and then I'll take care of that.

It's getting there. Thank you for sticking with me for all this time.


Is there a link for information about the engine your using. I looked at the thread, but it is quite long and didn't see that info. What I think is a muffler coming out the top of the cylinder, I was wondering if it actually is. What looks like ports for is used on two strokes half way up the cylinder wall on one side, I would think there would be the exhaust port half way up the cylinder wall but on the opposite side, not the top of the cylinder.

Anyway all the custom parts look real nice!


PS, I got my Off Highway Vehicle Sticker from the DMV and am waiting for cooler weather to go trail riding. Maybe I should test it in Death Valley now, it is supposed to be going up to 130F so probably not?
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Is there a link for information about the engine your using. I looked at the thread, but it is quite long and didn't see that info. What I think is a muffler coming out the top of the cylinder, I was wondering if it actually is. What looks like ports for is used on two strokes half way up the cylinder wall on one side, I would think there would be the exhaust port half way up the cylinder wall but on the opposite side, not the top of the cylinder.

The engine Steve is using is a jacobsen 143cc 2 stroke (with a HIGH domed piston) snoblower engine that has been stripped of all the excess castings removed and the flywheel has the fins removed with my lathe then sand blasted. They are pretty impressive little engines. I still have a couple and I love em American made too!
That is the exhaust port on the side of it, the intake/ carb is located on the bottom of the engine.
Hi Measure Twice,

I don't know of a link for the motor off hand. It is from a Jacobson Sno Burst snow thrower.
It has 147cc, 2 stroke.

What looks like a muffler is actually where the carb was on the original Indian motor. I just made up a close copy that will do nothing but fill the void where it should be. The carb is actually on the bottom of the motor and that is one of the reasons that I made the false crankcase to hide it and again fill in the space where something should have been.
The port on the side of the motor is the exhaust port. I'll get some close up photos of the motor tomorrow so you can see where everything is. The motor lay on it's side on top of the snow thrower in the original application. I used that mounting point as a motor mounting point on the bike.

Thank you for the feed back Glad you like it. It helps to hear what other people think about what I'm doing and whether it's good or bad.
Helps me keep going in the proper direction.

Glad you got your Off Highway Sticker. If your area is like anywhere else I've lived, if you don't have one it gets nasty and very expensive in a hurry. I heard that parts of California weren't very far off the Death Valley temps.
With that kind of heat your tires would melt into the roadway I would think. When my nephew was in Afghanistan he was told to keep moving at all times. Thinking it was because of snipers he did as he was told. He was there a while before he found out that it was so his boot soles didn't melt into the pavement.

I'll take a few pictures of the stock Jacobsen I have in mind for upgrading my American Flyer which is currently running the 99 Preddy four stroke. With the pull start and shroud it has a nice 1950's look about it and is small enough to fit into a frame without drawing too much attention to itself... leaving the possible fiction of a smaller displacement engine. Could it pass for 50cc? I don't know, but I guess I'll find out.

I just located a second one for a belt drive 51 cantilever Schwinn to make my "kindalikeawhizzer" next winter. I like that they are American made, something that has bothered me a little with the Chinese engines.

Steve, the tri-car is looking so good... and that's without paint, without seat and gas tank, tires and upholstered passenger seat. Wow as it is and wowzer when it's done. And wait until you guys see the head badge!
Steve that is looking AWESOME!
I have been watching all along and your progress is amazing. Its like need it just do it Love it.
The engine Steve is using is a jacobsen 143cc 2 stroke (with a HIGH domed piston) snoblower engine that has been stripped of all the excess castings removed and the flywheel has the fins removed with my lathe then sand blasted. They are pretty impressive little engines. I still have a couple and I love em American made too!
That is the exhaust port on the side of it, the intake/ carb is located on the bottom of the engine.

Hey I won't leak about the faux parts! OK, got it about the real carb underneath.

I have model airplane glow plug engines. They use the crankcase to route the carb mist through and up a channel way on one side of the cylinder wall opposite of the exhaust port on the other side.

Thanks for all the responses guys!


PS as for the dealing with getting DMV Sticker, I would guess how it gets approved will vary pretty much with which way the wind blows. It was nuts. Not that it matters much, but I am making a surface to attach the sticker near the left fork as the fork is too small to paste the sticker on.
We don't have lift off just yet but there is now steering for when we do. Like most of this build I was winging it and hoping that it worked out and it seems to have. Kind of nice to turn the handle bars and the wheels move as well.
It was easier to do than I thought it would be as well. No unpleasant surprises and it looks like it will have a fairly tight turning radius as well.

The original tri car had the tie rod with a dropped center. I dropped the drag link to clear the tie rod instead since it was easier to do one bend and not to have to match it with a second one.

I added some photos of the engine I'm using for the build.


Measure Twice,

I added some photos of the motor. Really looking forward to seeing how it's going to work with the bike. I just have a feeling that these motors are going to be a great motor for our bikes and as has been said, Made in America with quality parts and no, that is not a slam at Chinese Motors.

When I opened the box to look at the motor for the first time my thought was .049 on mega steroids.

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Hi Curt and thanks.
I'm down to trying to get one thing completed each day until it's done. Today it was the steering.
May be a parts chase tomorrow.
