OK, this thing is fast. I decided that it needed suspension and brakes on the front.
The difference in ride and handling and stopping is like night and day. Feels much safer now.
I changed out the 5" jackshaft pulley for the 4". With a 3" motor pulley and a 3.5 " fricton roller for a 8.75-1 total ratio, Someone correct me if that's wrong. 9.08 with the 5"
Take off was better with the 5" pulley but the engine was racing too much at my desired crusing speeds around 25-30mph.
This lil engine seems happier grunting along with a heavy load at lower rpm than racing with
a light load at higher rpm
THe difference in 5" and 4" driven pullies wasn't much on paper, but very dramatic in practice.
I like the manual belt clutch even tho it squeals in protest on dead stop take off, you can really feel what the roller is doing. With the cent clutch, I was never sure what was slipping .
Still wanna try a 4.5 belt pulley though. The 4" is kinda hard on the belt clutch on take off.
Unusual phenomina: the roller never slips on take off. The belt slips first. And this is in wet conditons.
This thing works very well in the rain. I can maintain whatever speed I hit the hills with, and accellerate easily on the flats.
This large dia roller works so much better than all the other FD's that I have experience with. I don't think a grinding wheel is needed for wet fricton .