I saw you...

Today at around 3:30 I saw a guy with a brown shirt, no hair or helmet, riding east on Grant Road near Tucson Blvd. He was riding a basic China Girl bike. I didn't get a make on the type of frame.
Here in T-town, I've seen people riding them... unfortunately, I haven't been able to see anyone while I'm riding at the same time. I live on the east side near Camino Seco, but about once or twice a week I'm downtown. I'll be on a long ride again tomorrow!

Good thread! I'll be sure to keep my eyes open for other fellow MB'ers and hope that you guys see me zooming about!
There is a gentleman that I frequently see heading west on Broadway between 6 and 6:30 pm. He appears to have a security guard uniform. He wears a half-helmet and is always ghost pedaling as he moves along. He's running a china girl engine but I can't think what the frame is.
Saw and talked to a man riding East on Broadway here in Tucson. Was about 3:00pm. At the stoplight, we talked about his bike and Spooky Tooth, to which he said that his bike is all original from Roland's stock four years ago. Mine is not "Spooky-built", but I have visited the shop several times. He had a pretty silver frame.

As we parted, I took off ahead of him (his was a 49cc, mine's an 80cc) and right at that moment the light changed from yellow to red. I barely was able to stop and I now have to readjust my brakes later today.

This got me thinking, too, that if anyone knows of somewhere to look for power brakes or some kind of disc brake system to replace the dinky little lever-cable system, I'd be all over that!

EDIT: Well I didn't have to look far. ust after posting this, I looked at Spooky Tooth's improved stock on their website. Looks like I'm gonna have to start channelling some money towards the performance mods after I get the HD wheel!
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I got a heavy duty front wheel with a drum brake from Husky Bicycles that I really like. Just another source to check out.
I have seen two HT bikes in Stockholm so far: a dark green, at least 40 year old, military bike one year ago and then a blue cruiser right outside my apartment the other week.
These bikes aren't legal in Sweden. I ride mine anyway, will try to stop the next one I see so we can go for a ride!
saw a tall guy on a beach cruiser with no fenders in Costa Mesa around noon.

I'm the guy who flew passed you. wasn't really racing, just trying to get to Fastenal to buy a new chain, which, of course, they ordered the wrong one...

anyone from here?
Saw a beach cruiser with a china girl on the roof of a car on Seawall Drive in Galveston.
He must love cold weather, because the temp didn't get out of the 30's today.
I always see a MB parked at a house somewhere near 32 street close to UT. I have also seen a homeless looking guy on an MB on South Congress pulling a trailer (sometime last week).
In this last week or so i have seen a MB riding north on thornydale past linda vista about 6 pm, sounds like the tip fell of the exhaust, to dark to make out any details!!!
In this last week or so i have seen a MB riding north on thornydale past linda vista about 6 pm, sounds like the tip fell of the exhaust, to dark to make out any details!!!

Ive been riding south on La Canada before and right in between river and wetmore on the left there is some kinda shop there and i always seen a bunch of peeps with a few mB parked out front. Everytime I go by they gimme the MB stare. I think ima stop and say whatup next time.
I have seen two at the China Mart I work at.
One was a clean red beach cruiser, The other was a dirty blue mountain bike with a shift kit.
ElCajon store off of LosCoches Rd.
The coolest thing is too see someone riding a MB you built for them 3 years ago (Speedway & Campbell) :)

This morning I have seen 4 MB's; 3 gas and one electric.

Glen & Stone
Craycroft & Broadway
Speedway & Campbell
1st & Grant

I walked my mb to a store with my girlfriend I left her to go to the bank and she said she saw a dude riding a mb that looked just like me and waved to him but while he got closer it was some other guy on a mb. This was in central phoenix, az.
see a guy drives by house with a 2 stroke and one of the rear mounted fuel tanks ive even got my gebe sitting in the driveway of my house faceing the road so when he drives by i can chase him lol

im on hancock and academy in the springs swings down carmel st usaly around 1600 ish always miss him by a hair