This morning at 8:20 I saw a two stroke road bike, eastbound on Speedway Blvd. and Stone Ave.
These sightings are getting so commonplace that I have only posted about half of my sightings in the past two months. My theory about the "underclass" in Tucson riding all kinds of MBs is proving to be correct.
A good number of the "regular" folks in Tucson on MBs have already visited this site. The majority of my sightings though, are the sketchy characters that aren't into building or customizing or apparently even cleaning their bikes. They don't wave back, they don't ride for fun, they don't want to improve anything, they don't have internet, they probably don't have electricity in their homes, which they probably don't have either. They lurp about, mostly at night with no lights or reflectors, using their bikes as a last ditch means to an end.
I was discussing these facts with an amateur MB builder and he agreed that this site and us "MB nuts" are the forces that will lift Tucson's MBs out of the back alleys and gutter and into widespread acceptance.
Freedom Bikes USA is striving for the same goal. Clean shop, clean builds, friendly service and a nose for quality control.
Tucson meth monkeys! Quit riding around on MBs! Don't drag the rest of us down with you!
Wasted typing, they don't care enough to have computers or access to them.