I can't belive this


Thank you. It's annoying being held down but what the heck, it's the divide in the road in my book. You make the best of it with humor or it consumes you with self pity. Feeling better every day and pushing ahead.
Just going to be a long month until I find out how it went. The good news is I can now change the IV bag and reset the pumps computer in short order. :)

Steve, when I saw this picture i immediately thought of you :)


  • CoolestWheelchair.jpg
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Steve.. any time you want to bounce ideas off each other, let me know.. I'd (we'd) love to come over and hang out for a while. I'd wait until you're moving around a bit more before heading for my garage, since our house can only be reached by a lot of steps and the garage is uphill from the house. Not the most friendly site for someone with 'mobility issues' to try and get around.
Fasteddy, you have no idea how glad I am to have you back here writing stuff. My wife and I both have had some serious infections in our time. She got away with not needing a PICC line. I hate those things; well, maybe not hate, but if there were any other effective way to medicate me enough, I'd have jumped on it.
But she and I did lose a good friend to Staph Aureus (MRSA). And that was a shock. So when I hear "infection" I get rather jumpy now. It sounds like your meds are doing their job. I think you'll be with us for some time to come. So I'm breathing a bit easier here. I'm sure you are too. Some of these new supergerms are wicked, nasty M-F-ers. I don't remember having to be as careful in my youth, but now - I even make my kids use antibacterial soap and I wash out every cut and scrape that they bring to me. I'm sure they think I'm one deeply paranoid looney!
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Thank you both and as soon at I'm able I'll let you know. I sure like the bike you just built.
It looks like it is made for long rides.

Allen Wrench,

Sorry to hear of your friends passing. This infection is not to be ignored.

Thank you and your right, this is not something to rule out as just another infection. I did have a so what attitude about this until both doctors who did the operation and the nurse who put the PICC line in told me just what could happen if I wasn't very careful.

As Tom's wife Cher who is a nurse said the line it's self is in need of constant care and upkeep. If it gets an infection in its it's a pipeline to my heart.

This stuff isn't our childhood infection that we shook off with very few problems. After years of being treated with antibiotics they have formed new strains that are perhaps impossible to treat as yet.

Yep, I bet the kids think Dad is a needless worrier but as they get older they realize that parents have a reason to worry as they will when they are parents.
I have a bottle of hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol in it sitting by the computer to keep my hands clean.

I'll know towards the end of the month just where I stand with this. I'm not out of the woods as yet and if there still is infection I will have another 6 week round with the antibiotics and if that doesn't work another knee replacement that opens up another word of problems.

Hi Mr. B.

Thank you for asking. The IV pump and the line was taken out on Wednesday as promised without any problems. I am now on antibiotic pills for the next six months.
The doctor is worried that the infection may come back so he wants to make sure that it is gone for good. It seems that it has a lot of staying power.

The knee is still sore as can be but slowly getting better and healing well. I'm feeling well enough to have ordered parts for the tricar and with luck I'll be back at it in a limited way in a week.

Hi I.W.

Thank you. How have you been feeling?


I've been doing a lot better Steve. Odd as it might seem sleeping during the heat of the day and working on my bikes & etc at night when it's cool has been working out really well for me. I'm having a lot less problems with joint and muscle pain and the other unpleasant symptoms of CFS/ME which is great because I don't like having to take pain meds.