I can't belive this

Re: I can't belive this sh*t

Hi Tom,

Ya, you can just picture the big cheesy grin can't you.

Thanks to you and Cher for the concern about P.I.C.C. line. I had an appointment this morning with another branch of the out patient clinic to back up what the nurse that put the line in had told me. They offered to change the antibiotic bag and battery daily if I stopped in to have them do it. The whole operation is pretty much Fasteddy proof so I'll do it. I am going to go every three days and have them change the pump line that carries the antibiotic. That way if I miss something they will catch it before it can get too far advanced.
They will change the dressing at the same time and I keep an eye on the spot where the line goes into my arm at least 3 or 4 times a day watching for problems.
I see the nurse who installed it once a week for blood samples and she will check it as well.

I get a box with all the medical supplies needed delivered once week. It comes with lots of alcohol wipes and I was warned to use them liberally. I wrap the dressing and line with a clean wash cloth and Seran wrap to keep the water out.

Re: I can't belive this sh*t

Good man. From what Char says you can't be too careful with that. She was concerned about the education you had been given and the importance of keeping it clean. If you can manage it, let the pros do it for you.
Keep us informed. We're all watching for positive progress.

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Re: I can't belive this sh*t

I am so glad to hear that you are doing well, fasteddy!
I hope you enjoy catching up on all the posts around here and I will still pray for your complete recovery.
Re: I can't belive this sh*t


Thank you. I'm glad he looked closer at it as well. The first doctor was young and I think she thought it was a bit of a hoax since there was just a swollen limb and no obvious problem.
Of course a Doctor friend of mind reminded me once that half the doctors practicing finished in the bottom half of their graduation class. He was one of the top 3 in his.


True, you've got to remember (at least) half the people you meet are 'below average' for thier respective group.

I didn't get a pic, but at the store a while back I saw an 'electric mobility scooter' that the owner had gutted and converted to a 2-stroke. Most of the outside was intact, what caught my eye was the multi-meter taped to it for his 'rpm' gauge, which made me look twice. Glad I caught him when I did, he might have given my beast a run if I'd tried chasing him down (and it does 60kph).
Re: I can't belive this sh*t


Thank you. Catching up on the posts and brother has everyone been busy.
I may hear at the end of the month how things are going with this and I'll be back at the tri car.

Re: I can't belive this sh*t


That is wild. A gas powered mobility scooter now that's genius. Talk about flying below the radar.
If I were ever to make a gas powered wheel chair I'd have an automatic brake lock on the wheels. Forgot to lock the brakes on the one I'm using as I was getting into it and you could have sold tickets to that freak show. :)

Re: I can't belive this sh*t

If you use brake locks (line lock) just put them on the front wheels. That way you can do burnouts with the rears. :)

A clutch lever'll make a decent locking brake handle, unless you want to go with a deadman rig.. You going with discs, or center-pull/cantilever brakes? I have a few spares of the latter and some short cables from a couple of kid sized bikes..

If I do pull this off I'm thinking disks. Looked around and as far as I can see as long as it looks like a handicapped mobility scooter/ motorized wheel chair I'm pretty much good to go. Can't be too car like since we know that won't fly here but if it's electric and looks like a powered wheel chair and they don't catch me messing around I should be OK. I'll just follow the ebike guide lines except that the motor may be bigger than what they allow.

When I get the mid motor that I bought from Paul at Sick Bike Parts mounted on the Monark and sidecar I'll have and idea if it will move the wheel chair or not. I'm thinking kind of wheel chair meets 1970's dragster theme but first there's a tri car to finish.


Thank you for the parts offer and I may well call on you for them. Not sure what the steering would be but handle bars would probably sell it a whole lot easier than a steering wheel.

Whoa, hold up.... sidecar build? Okay, re-engineering time.

The sidecar needs a ramp for the wheelchair, and probably a way to 'lock' it in (wouldn't want the bike to stop and launch you all the time).. we'll figure out how to relocate the controls to the side.. do we need a mannequin for the bike rider position? I think it'll look cooler if you were the 'passenger' on a riderless bike though..
Steve I am so glad that you are feeling better.

CT is an amazing tinkerer, his dad is one also so he gets it honestly. He will find a way to get it up and running if anyone can.

He is doing a lot of learning on this build that is in the sling right now.

So take care of yourself and get lots of rest, "Rest is a weapon".

You've got a great attitude sir. I hope your recovery is swift and you get back to doing all the things you like to do!

Had staff infection in my bottom eye lid a couple years back almost got hospitalized but started to recover just in time.

I have a pic if anyone wants to see something.....well lets put it this way, the couple doctors that looked at it said they hadn't seen one that bad before.

Anyways, I'll say a prayer for you if that's ok.

I read your words, Steve, hear your enthusiasm and humor and in my mind's eye can see that you are healing. Good.

Pure genius my friend and it really appeals to my rather fiendish sense of humor. Hand controls down low so the public can't see them and the old boy going down the road in the sidecar with no one in control. Perfect.
The rather large and cheesy grin on my chops might be a give away but the chance that the passerby will never see it is good.

The Vancouver Police Department and the R.C.M.P. would probably fail to see the humor in it but then after a few weeks on the job they fail to see humor in much given the people they deal with.

The good news, for me, is that the wheel chair is indeed temporary. Just helps me get around the house easier and stealth the cats who don't hear me coming until I nudge them with my foot. There were complaints about scratch marks on the floor so I've been forced to give the sport up. :)

If the wheel chair ever becomes permanent I will be calling on your expertise. We'll take Vancouver by storm and leave a trail of puzzled citizens.


Thank you Laurie. Rest is indeed a weapon.

I have followed CT's builds and can only imagine what the two of us could come up with for a stealth side car. I can imagine the action we could cause going down Granville St or through the city core with me sitting in a side car and no one on the bike and no controls visible.

There would be some explaining to do I'm sure to a member of the Vancouver Police Department who's sense of humor may not stretch as far as ours.


Dan, thank you and prayers are always welcome. I can't imagine what a staph infection in a lower eye lid would be like other than extremely painful and really annoying. When two doctors say they have never seen one that bad you've set a record for bad.
Hope that you didn't suffer any lingering problems because of it.
