Well-Known Member
Can a man In Montana marry his widows sister?
no cause he's dead.
Can a man In Montana marry his widows sister?
a man builds a square house with all sides facing south. A bear walks by, what color is it.
a man builds a square house with all sides facing south. A bear walks by, what color is it.
Brown or black
It's a white polar bear because the house is on the north pole.
that's 'cause the doctor is his mom.LOL
I didn't get any of them until I read Allen's answers. Good Job Allen!
(Wut? spent the day trying to learn trigonometry. (&^(%*%@ triangles )
A man is driving with his son and has an accident. The boy needs surgery and is rushed to the hospital while his father is treated at the scene.
As the boy is wheeled in to the O.R., the surgeon says; "I can't operate on this boy, he is my son"
I forgot the point of this post.....was there one? Or two? Or? ?
Answer: D): none of the above.
7 ?
What do I win?
A poke in the eye with a sharp stick?
Will any pretty girls be involved in this poking?
that's 'cause the doctor is his mom.
Combination true story and (easy) puzzle: I am walking down the hallway of the building I work in. I reach a location where there is a rather large (1 & 1/2 feet by 4 feet) sign hanging from the ceiling directly over my head. At that very moment, a lost and confused-looking individual has walked up to me to ask me if I know where the Probation Department is. From the information provided, can you deduce what it reads on the overhead sign?
Sorry to go all political on you, but it kills me to see people question Obama's legitimacy cause the ONLY reason someone might call him illegitimate is because he is (half) black. Not cool....