Hot Peppers

Well, since we're telling 'hot stuff' stories.

When I first moved to Denver, back in the late 70s, and being a Mexican/hot food fan, I would look for real Mexican resturants to try. And in Denver there are a lot of them; little family owned bussines that catered mostely to the Mexican community and a few hardy gringos who liked the real thing. I went into one called 'The El Metro bar and Resturant' for lunch one day. The sign out front said, 'Authentic Mexican Food'. Sounded good to me.

When I walked in it was like a scene from an old western movie when the gunfighter walks in the bar. There were several guys playing pool and everything stopped when I walked in and took a seat. After a few moments things went back to normal and the waitress came and I ordered a shredded beef burrito smothered in green chili. She looked at me and asked if I was sure I wanted green chili. "It's pretty hot" she said. "That's okay. I like hot" I told her. She took my order and left. A few moments later the cook came out of the kitchen, a sweet little grandmotherly woman wiping her hands on her apron. She asked if I was sure I wanted the green chili. I told her what I told the waitress. She nodded and went back to the kitchen. As I waited I pondered what I was setting myself up for.

My lunch came and I took my tentative first bite. Heck, this isn't so hot, I thought to myself and proceeded to eat the whole buritto. I'd eaten much hotter before and left the resturant thinking that maybe I was just getting used to the heat and no big deal.
I went out, got in my car and started driving to my next appointment.

About three or four blocks later...there was a grumbling coming from somewhere south of my beltline. The grumbling intensified and then the pressure began to rise.
I made it to the men's room of a gas station and....well, I don't need to tell you the details except that for the next twelve hours I didn't want to be too far from a potty.

I never went back to 'The El Metro'. I think I was set up. The folks there probably had a good laugh and wondered how that stupid gringo did after eating a buritto that had more in it than shredded beef and a little green chili.

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Goat Man, I would carry Dave's Insanity Sauce around in my truck, and that's about all I would do with it. Some years ago a local establishment held a hot sauce "gala" every 4 of July. You could sample every sauce on the market and they were available to purchase. I had long been a hot sauce lover so this was always an annual event for me and my wife.

I was working my way through the place and asked the fella behind the counter what the hottest thing he had was. He pointed to the shelf behind the counter to several bottles one of which was Dave's.

Another fella and I were talking with the owner at which point he said he'd try it if I did. Never to be outdone I took him up on it and proceeded to show him how it was done. Needless to say I forgot to see if there was any milk, cream, ice cream etc. in the place. Man oh man that stuff is hottttt! I do have a friend who uses it on everything, but I just keep it around for when a guest says they like hot and can eat anything. It hasn't failed to give me a laugh yet.
The 'Ghost' peppers are all ripe and ready for eating. They are red or half redish orange and that's the one I tried tonight. I had some beer brats, some rigatoni pasta, a roasted Anaheim pepper and a big fat onion, all cooked over charcoal, except the pasta.

I'm burning here! My gut is rumbling and I need milk or ice cream. That 'Ghost' was the hottest thing I've ever eaten. I started this thread after trying one that wasn't completely ripe but, oh wow!

Char is making another batch of her salsa tomorrow and she's going to throw in a 'Ghost' and not tell anyone. I can't wait to hear what people say about that stuff.


Edit: And yes that's a dog cookie on the grill. My Golden Retriever, Baxter, always gets treats when I'm grilling and that's about three times a week.


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Jen & I have a whole shelf in the fridge door dedicated to 'hot sauce'! ;)

Tom... if you can?, mail us a few of those peppers... We would love to try them in some of our cooking! (^)
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There was a time when I collected hot sauces and you can buy almost any from, a great website for the collector. It has reviews and heat ranges. You can also buy pure capsaicin that will get you into the 16,000,000 scoville range and sauces from $5 to $400.

I would buy 3-4 at a time bring them to work and have a hot ol time with them. I have ‘Maddog 357’ Which is 357,000 on the scoville scale, I’ve had ‘Blairs mega death’ which is 550,000 on the scoville scale, daves insanity is around 60,000 scoville scale.

2 of my favorites are ‘Hula girl, chipotle habanero’ not blazing hot but tastes great, my wifes favorite also. My favorite is ‘NOS’ by Danny Cash blue label a tad of heat and great flavor.

It’s been a while since I’ve bought any, maybe its time
I admire you folks that can eat spicey food. To much black pepper makes food unedible for me.
The rest of the family thinks Daves Insanity Sauce should come with a straw.
