Hi from the UK - INDIAN Board Tracker tribute, my first build

I just put what you posted in search ( Retro Bicycle Copper Light' in the Cool-one Bike Outdoor Store on AliExpress. ) and it come up several postings. Here is google. oogle.com/search?q=Retro+Bicycle+Copper+Light%27+in+the+Cool-one+Bike+Outdoor+Store+on+AliExpress.&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS877US877&oq=Retro+Bicycle+Copper+Light%27+in+the+Cool-one+Bike+Outdoor+Store+on+AliExpress.+&aqs=chrome..69i57.2838j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Pete you source well as do both Curtis and Steve. Your bike is coming along famously.
I ran about 4' of weld on a small bracket to attach saddle bags to my rear racks a few days ago, using an inexpensive 220v flux core wire feeder. This is an under $200 gas or flux Chinese inverter. The results are as good as I take time to make them. I used .030 wire on 14 gauge steel. .023 wire would be my first choice but it's more costly and I can't readily source it locally and didn't want to wait. That said the results were good and I'd think the small welder you ordered could easily one pass 1/8 th inch plate easily with proper material base preparation. Tom mentioned penetration and that does matter. I've made my primary living in steel and welding was a huge part of what I did so I feel certain that the welds shown were not run by an average welder and not using the stick welder you have on order. The welds shown are not, however, run by machine, these are not an example of decent machine weld of today's high quality robotics. I also think you can get nice welds with this welder if you select very small diameter rod, mild steel in 60xx series general use material for this project, though 70xx series is stronger it's sometimes a bit of a challenge to run by home welders. I'd select rod of no more than 1/8" diameter, smaller is better on thin material using such small watt machines.
Your project is a beauty and the gussets turned out really well. Your plan to silver solder them in place as a secondary reinforcement of the frame tubes will be solid enough and really look good at the same time.

Rick C.
I already watched some demo YouTube videos showing these kind of hand-held mini welders in action and the results were what persuaded me to pull the trigger on one. I don't often have a need for much welding and when I do I tend to sub the work out to pros - but it's always better to have the tools to hand - and the ability to use them to advantage - rather than slow things down by farming stuff out and joining a waiting list. Speaking as a master craftsman when it comes to soldering (it takes a lot of time, skill and patience to solder countless brass / nickel silver locomotive kits together using an old-school pencil-type 40w electric iron rather than a resistance soldering station) it's been a frequent source of annoyance why I never persued honing my welding ability.
Earlier this week I received a new welding mask and some 2.5mm and 3.2mm silicon welding rods from UK eBay sellers in anticipation of the mini welder's arrival. I'll pop into the hardware store in town tomorrow to source a 2-pin Euro to 3-pin UK mains plug adapter which I've noticed the welder will need.
I already watched some demo YouTube videos showing these kind of hand-held mini welders in action and the results were what persuaded me to pull the trigger on one. I don't often have a need for much welding and when I do I tend to sub the work out to pros - but it's always better to have the tools to hand - and the ability to use them to advantage - rather than slow things down by farming stuff out and joining a waiting list. Speaking as a master craftsman when it comes to soldering (it takes a lot of time, skill and patience to solder countless brass / nickel silver locomotive kits together using an old-school pencil-type 40w electric iron rather than a resistance soldering station) it's been a frequent source of annoyance why I never persued honing my welding ability.
Earlier this week I received a new welding mask and some 2.5mm and 3.2mm silicon welding rods from UK eBay sellers in anticipation of the mini welder's arrival. I'll pop into the hardware store in town tomorrow to source a 2-pin Euro to 3-pin UK mains plug adapter which I've noticed the welder will need.
What kind of rod or silver solder do you us?
Silver solder is more usually associated with small intricate jobs like jewellery manufacturing, so as I discovered when using it for larger projects like I'm doing on this bike frame, it isn't inexpensive. The 1mm silver solder 'wire' rods I originally sourced from an eBay seller were really too small for the job, being used up at an alarming rate. So I switched to the only seller offering 1mm x 3mm strips at a reduced price. Solder is supplied with the appropriate Johnson/Matthey 'Easyflo' brazing flux powder, ready to be mixed with water.
Silver solder is more usually associated with small intricate jobs like jewellery manufacturing, so as I discovered when using it for larger projects like I'm doing on this bike frame, it isn't inexpensive. The 1mm silver solder 'wire' rods I originally sourced from an eBay seller were really too small for the job, being used up at an alarming rate. So I switched to the only seller offering 1mm x 3mm strips at a reduced price. Solder is supplied with the appropriate Johnson/Matthey 'Easyflo' brazing flux powder, ready to be mixed with water.
Thank you will do some checking, going to give it a try............Curt
Hi Pete,
Thank you for the link. Purchased two of them as soon as I looked them up. Cost $109.69 Canadian for the pair, delivered. Came with the rear light and the head light or so they say. I'll see when they arrive.
If it is as advertised I'll order two more for the electric tri car.

It's interesting that the original lamp manufacturers had a half dozen different variations for every model they made and different finishes and then you need to find two that are in the same condition. That quest in now over. Thank you.

AliExpress does stay with you through your search don't they. I find myself skimming through what's offered just in case there is that hidden gem that I didn't know I needed. As you said multiple times a day just so you know that you and your credit card, aren't forgotten.

Hi, Curt,
Thank you for providing the direct link to the lights. Made the search quicker. Just a click away.
Cool Bikes did have some interesting bikes at not cool prices and the shipping was terrifying.
Puts Sportsman Flyer bikes and parts in perspective with their superior quality and finish and U.S. sourcing.

Steve I checked out those lights and they do look great and even greater in pairs! Though I have no immediate need they're quite tempting. I decided on applying a hobby austerity program in September which included hours spent on them as well as dollars invested. This was to last till January first. My report to date is I've stayed on point this far, but I'm not enjoying the process much to date. The good news is I've caught up on many repairs and home improvements which required my time but not much money since I did all the work myself.

I'm glad some of you guys are making progress on bike projects that entertain the rest of us!

Rick C.
Yay, Steve. Glad those lights fit the bill! Perfect for the TriCar. Will they remain bare metal? Or do you plan on applying any paint?

You're right about the, err, let's say 'interesting' bikes and prices on the AliExpress site. What's with all the little add-on doodads that seem to overpower the finished product? More blingy bits than a Turkish Tarts bedroom. Seems like someone never knows when enough is enough.

Incidentally, that Cool-One Bike Store outlet on AliExpress is the supplier I bought my drop loop fat bike frame from. Mine cost 112 UK pounds plus shipping, which still came in comfortably under 200, but they now list them at 227 pounds and a bunch more for shipping. I keep watching, hoping they'll offer some Black Friday discount in the upcoming week that'll tempt me to pull the trigger on a second frame. I really could do with one as a future home for the lovely little Villiers twin port engine I recently snagged.
I've slowed up on buying myself. I'm going to get back to building more now that my hands are more arthritis free thanks to exercises.

The depth of the light beam was impressive, not that I will be doing much riding at night but hopefully it will make me more visible during the day when I will be riding.

If they really are solid brass and not plated I'll probably polish them. If not they will be painted most likely black but possibly the frame colour which will be Curry as suggested.

The looped frame cost in Canadian dollars is $380.94 and shipping is a rather robust $557.60.

I saw this while on the page . I don't know if it's a copy or the real thing. Price to Canada is $473.34 and shipping is $200.49

If they really are solid brass and not plated I'll probably polish them. If not they will be painted most likely black but possibly the frame colour which will be Curry as suggested.

The looped frame cost in Canadian dollars is $380.94 and shipping is a rather robust $557.60.

I saw this while on the page . I don't know if it's a copy or the real thing. Price to Canada is $473.34 and shipping is $200.49

Belt drive, sure like to know how they work out.............Curt
Thanks for the link Steve. That's a good real world revue of the belt drive.
Looking forward to installing my belt drive kit to my Indian tribute over winter sometime.
I already went with a pull start on my Indian from the git go - so no worries about belt teeth skipping when trying to pedal start her.
Your welcome. I looked around a bit and it was as this chap said a field of non information and I'll be back and tell you what I think of it and never seen again. He has a lot of videos about motorized bikes and the two I watched were excellent.

Glad I could help.
