Ma laws are pretty straight forward you need to register as a motorized bicycle or moped depending which you have. If it's a moped just a Motorized Bicycle (Moped) Regisyration Certificate form (available on RMV website) if it is a motorized bicycle then you will also need the Bicycle Conversion to Motorized Bicycle (moped) Affidavit of Owner ( also available on RMV website) fill those out in advance, have your 40.00 ready and you will be good to go for 2 years with the sticker they give you. Make sure when you go you armed with all the info on forms memorized they prob will ask hp displacement and max speed. Biggest thing....Know you are able to get a sticker and be confident about it, the registry employees are pretty unfamilar with these bikes and the laws.If you haven't built yet, look up and read your local laws on motorized bicycles/mopeds. Some states view motorized bicycles and mopeds as same thing. Post pictures and ask whatever questions you need to.