First pic is us getting ready to go...the smiles vanished when I did my "preflight" and found that the leaky exhaust was from a stripped stud. We JB Weld'ed it and 2 hours later we were off!
Second pic is outside of Rogene's Kitchen. That is a place where you go in, sit at a semi-formal dining setting and she serves you whatever she's cookin...then you pay only what you thought the meal was worth. Kinda weird, but I like it.
The next one is a picture of one of the many back roads of Ashtabula county...yeah, it says 'travel at your own risk' and 'No winter maintenance'.
Finally, a rest stop....a small bridge on one of the 12' wide paved roads near me.
About 30 miles all together. Enough for today, gotta go to work.