Happy Travels

Great to see the Saga continues Happy's little bottle of booze is a perfect companion. A covered bridge tour should do Happy some good. Like being at the Betty Ford clinic without all the group sharing sessions.
First pic is us getting ready to go...the smiles vanished when I did my "preflight" and found that the leaky exhaust was from a stripped stud. We JB Weld'ed it and 2 hours later we were off!

Second pic is outside of Rogene's Kitchen. That is a place where you go in, sit at a semi-formal dining setting and she serves you whatever she's cookin...then you pay only what you thought the meal was worth. Kinda weird, but I like it.

The next one is a picture of one of the many back roads of Ashtabula county...yeah, it says 'travel at your own risk' and 'No winter maintenance'.

Finally, a rest stop....a small bridge on one of the 12' wide paved roads near me.

About 30 miles all together. Enough for today, gotta go to work.


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Awesome Joe,!!! Those pics are perfect and we will soon have enough for the first trac on the "Happy Travels" DVD Really is great to see snap shots of yous guyis world. (NY accent) Been trying to figure out why I am enjoying this so much. Obviously the "goof" of watching our lil yellow globe trotter, trot. Really dunno. Some sort of Yellow Man bonding therapy? (I swear it is my first beer,snork)

I think that resturant and concept is awesome!!! What a great and novel idea. I hope good folks keep her in biz.

I still have not sent you the other one but will.

I talked to BIG JACK JOHNSON,THE OIL MAN today and he said he would make happy a theme song in the studio.You can google him an hear the blues.Let us know.HD
Great pix, Joe.
I wish we'd had nice weather while 'Happy' was here. Rogene's Kitchen looks like a fun place. How old is that house? And green water; Haven't seen that since I left Florida. Standing water evaporates too quick in Colorado to grow algae. Thanks for sharing.
I talked to BIG JACK JOHNSON,THE OIL MAN today and he said he would make happy a theme song in the studio.You can google him an hear the blues.Let us know.HD

Very cool Doc!! Thanks big time. That would be cool, his own personal theme song. (Do I use words like "cool" and parentheses to much? lol)

Had another talk with jack today.He now wants to do a music video.I will send the tape to one of you guys and let you put it on the site,i would mess it up bigtime.HD
A star is born! LOL. 2 dang funny Doc. And awesome.
Could the woman who did the hair band vids be found? From the first MTV ones? Wut? has only been 30 yrs.

(First lines of Happy limerick. Not for his upcoming video, just a thought "there once was a man named Happy. Who(m?) a monkey had dressed quite snappy. ..........)
O.K......we went for a little ride this morning.

We visited the largest and longest covered bridge in America. Smolen–Gulf Bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ashtabula, Ohio. Yes, that Ashtabula where the world famous cranks, forks and BMX kits were made. This bridge was opened last fall. It was built primarily from wood harvested in clearing the site for the bridge.

First is the entrance (or exit, depending on which way you are going). The next one is a view of the inside...yeah, a lotta wood.

Photo 3- the Smolen Gulf, 90+ feet below.

Photo 4- Happy with the bridge....

Total ride- approx 44 miles round trip.


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