Happy Travels

Dan. I didn't get any sound from that and a lot of the pictures were heavily pixilated. Is there a problem with the video or with my connection?
All on my end, problems with vid. Youtube is questioning the copyright and some of the pictures just did not transfer well. Tried emailing it directly but the file is to large. Opened many accounts with free file sharing, but same problems. So now am going to try using the same song, but get it from a different source. Any ideas if this does not work?
Happy, giving me a hand with some carb work....soldering and re-drilling a bunch of jets, and otherwise going through the carbs to be sure they are sorted...you wouldn't believe some of the crap that comes out of some of these "new" carbs!

He says he's about ready for his next adventure..musta worked the little guy too hard and no booze for like two weeks now.

He's going to get some new clothes after his day in the shop. (He couldn't keep out of the crud!)


  • Happy Travels 032.jpg
    Happy Travels 032.jpg
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If you're going to work him like that Joe, the least you could do is give him a pair of jeans and a 'T' shirt to work in. That Las Vegas tux he's wearing just ain't hackin' it.
Is or are there any federal laws pertaining to mascot labor laws? And Constitutionally, is Happy considered a human and worker?

(For the love of good Joe, give him a drink!!!)

Snork, snork. Can not wait to see Happy's next outfit/cloths/body. You guys are just 2 funny! Carol actually asks about you folks by name. (more so when some thing is wrong. I got lucky with finding her)
Still can not get the "don't worry, be Happy" vid to upload. Dunno. and it turned out great! But in retrying, saw that the "I want to ride my bicycle got 5 stars from all who rated it. Very cool and I am thrilled. The happy album (CD) is gonna be great. I need more pics, post lots!
Since i am happys manager,i am wavering his public apperance fees until 2022.After that date we will be charging 87 cents per week,payable in us dollars.Promoter will supply a food tray,cold water, cokes,beer,wine,etc.Thanks Algonquin J Calhoun.ESQ.PROSTITUTING ATTURNITY For Happy.HD
Since i am happys manager,i am wavering his public apperance fees until 2022.After that date we will be charging 87 cents per week,payable in us dollars.Promoter will supply a food tray,cold water, cokes,beer,wine,etc.Thanks Algonquin J Calhoun.ESQ.PROSTITUTING ATTURNITY For Happy.HD

Snork, snork. 2 funny! Thanks Doc. (I spit beer on the keyboard)
2Door thats not a Vegas tux it was meant to look like a White T-shirt under a Biker Jacket with blue jeans but he's been around a bit might be time to clean him up a bit.

The wife and I are on a money saving kick to buy a car out here so we can travel a little outside of the valley who knows what we will find.
Dan's ....I want to ride my bicycle vid captures the excitement of taking that first ride when the engine starts for the very first time. The sight and sound is still taking most people by surprise when they realize your on a bicycle. Dan your vid expresses that in a most whimsical way and very cool editing. Well Done Dan on many levels.
What's Happy up to these days. Isn't he getting about ready to come to the Texas Panhandle? Norman and I will sure show him a good time. Norman promises to be careful with the explosives:D...............
HAPPY-------EXPLOSIVES.Norm, happys insurance is paid up till jan.1 2010.If he ever gets to mississippi Harleys Mom and i are going to take him to the range and let him shoot the thompson machine gun.And then he can go on a balloon ride.HD
Well, Happy has got the travellin' Jone's again and it looks like he's headed for the Texas Panhandle in August....I hope you guys are ready. He can be a handfull. "Let's burn some fuel." "Let's go visit the garden." "Let's make another pot of coffee." "Let's do something in the shop..."
Dan's ....I want to ride my bicycle vid captures the excitement of taking that first ride when the engine starts for the very first time. The sight and sound is still taking most people by surprise when they realize your on a bicycle. Dan your vid expresses that in a most whimsical way and very cool editing. Well Done Dan on many levels.

Wow FM, thank you.

HAPPY-------EXPLOSIVES.Norm, happys insurance is paid up till jan.1 2010.If he ever gets to mississippi Harleys Mom and i are going to take him to the range and let him shoot the thompson machine gun.And then he can go on a balloon ride.HD

How cool is that!? (Good agent!!! snork)

i am in if it is stillg going on :)
he needs to sky dive!!

Skydiving, ballooning, machine guns, bopping around the planet and living rent free. I want Happy's life

Well, Happy has got the travellin' Jone's again and it looks like he's headed for the Texas Panhandle in August....I hope you guys are ready. He can be a handfull. "Let's burn some fuel." "Let's go visit the garden." "Let's make another pot of coffee." "Let's do something in the shop..."

2 Funny Joe. (be sure to check all valuables and phone bill for 1-866 calls b4 he ships out. Just sayin')
I am excited. Hey Norm go ahead and start making some of that home made hooch. I bet Happy will really like that stuff. We have some really exciting plans for the little guy. Flying, golf, bicycling. I wonder if Happy likes to fish????