Happy Travels

LOL Dave. Can we email Mr Cash and ask him to elongate? Truly, every time I watch it an' I know how hard it is to make those, Good job
"We never walked on the moon, Elvis ain't dead. Ya ain't going crazy, it's all in your head."

(Just looked up the lyrics for that song, is way out there! " Lucy was a messed up, dressed up waitress
With a slightly tarnished heart of gold
She wasn’t half bad for a new step momma
As far as step momma’s go
Daddy knew she was the one as he baked in the sun
In a parking lot preaching the truth
Up shot her hand and she cried, oh, man
I feel it, yes, I feel it I do
It’s been revealed to me down deep in my soul
There were two shooters on the grassy knoll
We never walked on the moon
Elvis ain’t dead
You ain’t going crazy
It’s all in your head
Let us sing")
Go Happy!,Go Happy!,Go Happy!


David, that should be a mantra! "Go Happy!" Cool thought
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lil ear things flaping in the wind. Love it! 2 funny. Happy is one bad Mofo (shut yer mouth) (wut? talking about shaft, errr Happy)
I think Happy kidnapped Bairdco :( I know Bairdco said he was moving but maybe Happy forced him to say that? He may be a little dude but he has the napoleon syndrome and can be very intimidating at times.


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I think Happy kidnapped Bairdco :( I know Bairdco said he was moving but maybe Happy forced him to say that? He may be a little dude but he has the napoleon syndrome and can be very intimidating at times.

LOL, that's a keeper Fair!

Adam, we could put a show on in the old barn? "MBs are us" or MBers on ice. Ok, needs work but we can do it!

(I would pay to see us drunk on MBs, on ice. Just say'n)
happy's head is still attached to my bike. i was hoping to unload him onto one of the LA guys, but haven't been able to make the rides because of moving and not having a ride to LA.

plus, i wanna take him for a (legal) ride around the beaches when it gets a little warmer. i'll post some pics or videos soon, then he'll be ready for his next journey.

who wants him next?
Send that rascal to Jim (manic mechanic) Maybe Happy will enjoy 60 MPH:D

I would take em but my rides in the build stage & he'll just get board.

Any Happy updates!?

Just had a thought Baird, can Happy make it to the CT rally? Be fun to have pics with him in em. It's May 2nd

Ride Happy!
Where is the little guy? His twin brother keeps asking me about him and all I can say is "He was last seen with Bairdco". He's either found a home there or Baird is Bogartin' the little yellow guy. Come on, Baird. Pass it on. Maybe there's an Aussie who would take him into the outback and 'toss back a couple of stubbies' or someone in Europe who would show him around.
As happys mgr.i need to know where he is.Bairco his fees are going up.Please send me 11,000.56 in us dollars and we will drop the pending kidnaping charge.