Happy Travels

so last night i hear all this banging around in the garage, and who do you think it was?

i gotta keep this guy away from my new bike (and the booze...)


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Remember too happy caught crabs in vegas so we know he is really nasty at times. Glad to see he is still making the rounds.
I see Happy uploaded a video on You-Tube, man does that little guy ever rest! Traveling all over the place, building and fixing MB's. Going on rides to some awesome places. How does he do it?

I can't wait to see what Happy does and where he goes next, the dude is awesome!

Happy Travels Video
i'm gonna take a break from building my new bike and try to get happy on the road tomorrow. he keeps hiding tools from me and messing up my paint job, i think he's a little antsy.

let's see if a ride through So Cal rush hour traffic calms him down...
Tom, you're lucky he didn't hotwire your ride,
the way he was eyeballin' those other rods at the car show !!! laff
that guys a gremlin for sure.

i take him on a ride (body-less, because i had to screw his head onto a 1/4-20 bolt so he could sit up front,) and my camera batteries go rolling into the street, and then they got ran over, so no video yet...

then, we're flying through traffic, and i make some sketchy lane changes (just to impress him) to get into the left turn lane, and my throttle loosens up just enough so it twists the whole handle, putting the cable guide right under my front brake lever, so i can't pull it in. end up in a stylish flat track coaster brake-powerslide, but i handle that, too.

i twist the throttle back to where it'll stick in the bend of my handlebars and crank my brake lever over, so we're still good.

then my motor starts sputtering like i'm out of fuel. just so happens in my little skid manuever i jammed my knee into my petcock, bending it the wrong way, and shutting off my fuel (it's off a moped, and it has two on postitons, and one off.)

now, it's loose, and won't stay "on." it rattles between on and off. so, we pull over for a smoke, and i think "WWMD?" (What Would Macguyver Do?)

i take the cheap string wrist strap off my useless camera and tie it around the petcock so it stays on. works great, and we're off again.

we go to MacFadden-Dale Hardware so i can buy some bolts, and i find the right automotive clear coat in a spray can so my fake orange annodized paint doesn't peel off, and i think everything's gonna be just fine.

stop at the liquor store for a soda, and we're headed home.

the plastic bottle of root beer is in my ammo can-glove box-trunk, and i pull up to my garage and there's this brown foamy crap leaking out of the box.

a license plate bolt musta punctured the bottle, and everything, my smokes, my lighter, my phone, paint, lock, chapstick, camera are all soaked and sticky.

lucky, everything still works ('cept the smokes. well, half of them, anyway.)

i was hoping to hang on to Happy till the March Venice ride, but at the rate it's going, i'll be lucky to still be alive by then...

(edit) on a positive note, i think that clear coat is just the ticket for saving my paint job. gonna be done with my new bike in a few days...)
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Sumpin is wrong with YouTube. I've tried for two days to watch Fair's 'Happy' vid and it keeps saying, "An error has occured. Try back later". Anyone else having this problem?
Tom. opened up OK and fast here. Dunno YouTube - Happy Travels

Fair! enjoy it more every time I see it. Great job and thank you!

(Happy travels. Fueled by Tom's good nature. Suggested by David's wit and powered by the crazy folks at Motorbicycling.com ) Trite as it may sound, I really do love and enjoy the curse word out of you luniticks. Bunch of nutters, ....... and we are just some of them

Rats! Must be my karma. Two different puters and the same error message. Tried it at work yesterday and here at home all day. Same same. Maybe its my mouthwash?
I can catch the words

I had the photos much longer were there was plenty of time to read the subtitle but had to shorten them to fit the time line of the song. Darn Johnny cash, couldn't he make that song a little longer lol.