Happy Birthday SoCal Motor Bicycle Racing!!!



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
If you were following the SMBR Facebook page you would already know that there are 64 days to the next SoCal Motor Bicycle Racing extravaganza on Saturday September 1st at Willow Springs Raceway.

Yes, we are going back to where it all started a bit over one year ago.
Exciting edge of your seat details coming soon! :D


Active Member
Dec 4, 2010
lakewood ca
what's going on neil? baird has a valid complant. it looks like this is your M.O. liveforphysics say's he wont go to your race's anymore. why is that? it's like cutting out the nitro car's at the drag's. how about some thought toward the other events that are put on by other people [friend's?] i saw you everywhere even the start finish line and you didn't pay? i seem to remember that you said you had lost money and baird has said the same. as baird said having people choose between two race's in two week's? WTF? '' in the long run, its gonna hurt all of us.'' i could not agree more and if people start taking side's this is the begining of the end. like i said before i will support all the race's. but this fighting has got to stop and everybody has to support all the race's. why screw up so much fun. right? dennis
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Active Member
Jul 31, 2008
el People's Republik de Kalifornistan
IMHO, this forum is way too biased for it to be a fair medium for an argument between race promoters. Liveforphysics is a completely different story.

There's a lot of stuff going on in the background and neither side is blameless. Things are escalating and IMHO, that aint good for any of us.

Don't jump to any conclusions or take any sides yet!


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
what's going on neil? . how about some thought toward the other events that are put on by other people [friend's?] i saw you everywhere even the start finish line and you didn't pay? i seem to remember that you said you had lost money and baird has said the same.
I paid
I am not arguing with anyone here because you figure it out .....

PS: What's the deal with hijacking this thread?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
Congratulations!!! 201 like facebook.com/MotorizedBicycleRacing
Thanks to you guys, Timm and Roland and everyone else that has
made all these races a reality.

Actually the SoCal Motor Bicycle Racing FB page is at 202 which
ain't bad considering it was only started a few months ago.

I used to rely on another motorized bicycle racing FB page to
talk about the races but when that page would no longer even
mention anything about SoCal Motor Bicycle Racing events I
was forced to get on Facebook for the first time to promote
the races. :D Ironically SMBR has more than doubled their likes....


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
he's also the main reason the death races aren't happening in arizona anymore, with the same kind of underhanded scheduling he's doing to me..
The last ever April 2011 Death Race cost Dave at least $800
out of his pocket. Dave has stated recently on these forums that
he has paid thousands to put on races.

If the 40? racers that went to the Last Death race had paid $35
each instead of the unrealistic $15 Dave charged he would have
broken even.
$20 x 40 = $800
Maybe there would still be races in Tucson if you guys had of
chipped in with just a few more dollars?
YOU CAN NOT PUT A RACE ON AT A TRACK with insurance, EMT, etc
for a lousy $15! Get real! [ I will never do a race without an EMT to save $$ ]

Promoting races takes a lot of time and aggravation but you also
need a little business sense.

The first SoCal Motor Bicycle Race was over 60 days later on
June 18th 2011 which caused the end of racing in AZ?

As we have all experienced now the 2 best times of year to
schedule a race in Tucson, Willow Springs, Grange, etc is in
April and October.
I put on the races in California for all the local guys that would
never drive all the way to AZ
. I am never going to put the 2 main
races in months that are less than ideal just because of the Death
race. Tucson has lights so they can race at night when it's cooler.
None of the tracks I use has that option.
Now there are 4 races in April, June, Sept and Oct. There may be 6
or more races next year.

I saw this on Piston Bikes Facebook events page.

Dane Bendixen said:
dave just doesnt want to do it we all here in tucson have told him we will help him. the sad thing is charlie that runs the track will only deal with dave. anybody elsse goes to him and the track rental time goes to $2000 for 5 hour of track time.
May 6 at 5:05pm ·
Considering that the motorized bicycles share the track with SuperMoto's,
etc it looks like Charlie is charging a lot more than any of the tracks here
in California,

Baird, you scheduled your first races 3 weeks before one of my existing
dates and only 1 week after my second race, which I moved so that
there was 2 weeks between the races. Just pointing this out and I won't be
discussing any more about this here!

I cancelled the August 18th race because of feedback from all the racers.
There were no August dates available at Willow Springs so I am doing it on
September the 1st which is also a little cooler!
There will be a lot of people at Willow Springs hopefully including yourself.
Promoting races is a tough road to hoe........been doing it for over a year,
not too shabby for a poseur.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
These races have are a lot of fun - really interesting bikes, cool riders.
Thanks Neil, keep it up. Planning to make it to the Willow track, haven't ridden it before.
Happy Birthday SoCal Motor Bicycle Racing.
Thanks Brian, you are one of the hard core racers that even made a
couple of Death Races and you gotta drive all the way from Napa Valley.

It is always a pleasure to see where your bikes have evolved to and riding
your 200 cc thumper around the track was a blast!

You are going to really like the Willow Springs experience, lots of access
roads to ride around to see all the tracks and very civilized facilities.

Yes, we are going to get to ride around the famous Big Willow 2.5 mile
track again after 5 pm and even better we can finally experience what
it is like to ride around a paved oval 1/4 mile track too. Still finalizing
the details. Not sure if we get to do both or have to choose just one?


Easy Rider

Santa Cruz Scooter Works
Jan 15, 2008
IMHO, this forum is way too biased for it to be a fair medium for an argument between race promoters.

There's a lot of stuff going on in the background and neither side is blameless. Things are escalating and IMHO, that aint good for any of us.

Don't jump to any conclusions or take any sides yet!
Well said...
For me, I'd rather have more races than none so I'm going to support both promoters and make it to all of the remaining races this year.
Let's keep thing positive.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
Well said...
For me, I'd rather have more races than none so I'm going to support both promoters and make it to all of the remaining races this year.
Let's keep thing positive.
I am positive that I am going to ALL the races. :)

Was a lot of fun at Baird's race not having to do anything but hang
out, talk to everyone and watch some really exciting racing on the track.

Highly recommended to anyone who hasn't made a race.
Way too much fun!


Jul 8, 2010
You got that right, Andy :)
Thanks a lot for your support. I think you made all the races too.
Was too cool seeing and hearing your new Briggs blast around
Adams. Your beautiful bike is almost too nice to race. :D

I would like to put a few pics of it up on FB if it's OK with y
Your very welcome Neil And thank you for all your hard work in getting these things together . You are more then welcome to post pictures of my bike on the FB page .


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Orange County, Ca
I cancelled the August 18th race because of feedback from all the racers.
There were no August dates available at Willow Springs so I am doing it on
September the 1st which is also a little cooler!
A lot of talking going on where's my popcorn so I can enjoy the show.

I was already approved for the days off work for the aug 18 race but unfortunately not the sept 1 race and I dont know if I can get it off.
It's kinda hard to make it to races when somebody works weekends and is granted the days off but what would seem like a last minute change in the dates could affect some people in making it to the races.