Happy birthday paul!

Happy Birthday Paul! Thanks for all you do for the forum, I don't know you personally but from what I've learned about you on the forum I think you're a heck of a guy.
It is never seen how hard Paul works on the forum. But I talked to him on the phone and the poor guy was about to throw stuff at m when he was trying to work out and give us the chat thing.
Was funny. (2 me. Paul was throw stuff, mad)

The reason I love here is way back when some one suggested that we curtail all similar threads to one like a "How too" online reference. Our host, Paul said "Naw, let every one talk" I am paraphrasing but that's about it.

One of the very first threads here was about a 2 stroke, bicycle engine carburetor. The last 3 pages of that thread were pictures of the few member's pets. Very funny stuff but my point is, this forum is more about the people then any thing else.

Post script! Bring up old threads!!!! some great information and people.
(Really, some great stuff to be found!)
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Happy Birthday Paul. Thank you for a great forum. I have learned too much to keep track of from this place. Unbelievable how this sight has grown since I joined here,
Goat! (we still have yet to see a penny or cap!)

"Bud Light presents, Real Men of genius. Motor-bike style. (Chorus;real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder.
(Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder)
Any one can buy a cheap imported scooter. But only you take a yard tool, a bicycle and a socket set to new heights.
(we owe China lots of money)
For the man who has every thing. Every thing except a passenger seat"
(his friends have cars)
All with out a helmet.
((Femail chorus))Gonna scramble your eggs)
So crack open a Bud light Mr. Mystro of the weed-whacker powered motor-bike. We'd sing your praises. But you don't have a muffler and can't hear us.
(Mr Weed-Whacker, Motor-bike Builder)

Anheuser-Bush, Saint Louis Mo"
Goat! (we still have yet to see a penny or cap!)

"Bud Light presents, Real Men of genius. Motor-bike style. (Chorus;real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder.
(Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder)
Any one can buy a cheap imported scooter. But only you take a yard tool, a bicycle and a socket set to new heights.
(we owe China lots of money)
For the man who has every thing. Every thing except a passenger seat"
(his friends have cars)
All with out a helmet.
((Femail chorus))Gonna scramble your eggs)
So crack open a Bud light Mr. Mystro of the weed-whacker powered motor-bike. We'd sing your praises. But you don't have a muffler and can't hear us.
(Mr Weed-Whacker, Motor-bike Builder)

Anheuser-Bush, Saint Louis Mo"

I would have said exactly this....
if I had any talent!
*starts singing, gets hit by thrown shoes*
happy birthday paul!

thanks for the forum, the advice, the free stickers, the friends, the fun, and the soapbox! :)
Paul and his family have had some hard times the last few yrs.

What really sucks, he is one of the nicest guys in the world. Way back when there was 30 or so folks on the forum, he footed the bill just 'cause. (really is about the people)

When I quit smoking cigs, every other day I got a PM of support or encouragement.

Every birthday, I got a happy birthday email from Paul. (except the last one. Funny story but I look bad, snork)

Went to a MB ride in Massachusetts and bought a pizza. Paul sent me $100 bucks and was greatly insulted when I refused. It ended up that Paul bought a tool used to finish my shop.

Like so, so many folks here.... Paul is one of the good folks.

Talking about ya Paul. Not to you. Look away!

Snicker, this is the kind of stuff that got me off the bday card list....