Hahahahah wipeout....

Yah I say the same thing try getting a shock fork. You could get better brakes for it and your suspension would never fail.
HAHA LOL! You must have more luck than me, I've got a scars on my chin, forehead, both hands and on one of my legs and havn't got any sexy feedback about them. Glad your doing better :) How's the other patient doing?
the bike has been painted and I'm waiting for payday so I can buy a new set of forks from Lynn at CustomMotoredBicycles.com
At least you weren't doing like 172 Km/h like this guy.

One of the related links has it in English, and has more of the aftermath and stuff. Took him 5 years for a full recovery.

WARNING: He ain't pretty after he gets up.

Also, I've been on the quest for a suspension front fork with disk brake mounts, but haven't been able to find a whole lot. Ebay results in few to no matches with all criteria entered. Help?
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Mind posting better pics of the springer forks and the breaking point and stuff? How fast were you going? How big was the bump? Do you wear a motorcycle helmet or a bike type helmet? Just curious as I was ging to build a 48 cc bike using springers it would be nice to see and know exactly what happened in more detail.

Seems to me that could of happened motor or not just hitting a bump going fast and it doesnt even have to be springers. I have seen front forks collapse/ break on regular bikes several times.

I am glad you are all right could always be worse :)
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I would love to take new pictures besides the fact that I threw them away. But I can tell you that at the crown, the front support arms need to be drastically reinforced.
I'd like to see those pics, also, YRR.
Never good to get hurt, but it could do some good if others can see where the problem is, and avoid it.
I've got a schwinn styled springer clone here, taken apart, and my grip slipped on part of it as I was moving it over... The tubes that are the straight side of the D... one of em bent over rather easily. I'm not overly impressed with the quality of the metal for the intended purpose. It's probably fine on a beach cruiser going 7 or 8mph.

When I was a kid I did an endo when a front wheel locked while speeding down a hill.
I remember every bit of it clearly!
Can only sail through the air like superman for so long! lol

Glad you seem to be healing quickly.
I'm too old to recover from things like that now!

That is not the only down hill run like that for a speed record that the front end came apart! There is quite a lot of stress there going down those huge mountains! The resonance of the high speed vibrations seams to hit a perfect note? Like a opera singer shattering a wine glass lol