Hahahahah wipeout....


New Member
Well after eating one 3 of Taco Bell's Doritos Locos tacos, I went for a ride.

After about 30 seconds of riding, my front wheel hit a bump that I didn't see, and the my springer front basically taco'd ended up with road rash all up and down my back, on my ass and on my left calf. Luckily I was wearing my helmet or else I probably wouldn't be sitting here typing this right now.

And another lucky thing, my friends we're still at Taco Bell chowin down so I just loaded it up in their truck and came home and showered

Ill post a picture or two of the damage here pretty soon

Gonna be a while before I ride again, gotta get a new fork set up, probably just a regular cruiser fork, don't need suspension, need rigidity.

Just gives me an opportunity to rebuild and make it stronger, engine wasn't damaged at all, it was literally all the forks
Scary! Sorry to hear it, man. Clean up the rash well and keep it covered and moist with some triple antibiotic ointment.

of forks before and after to give a heads up to the rest of us if ya would
If the helmet has roadrash also it better to get a new one and be safe then have one that maybe failing because of an impact with the road its just a fiberglass shell over styrofoam after all
First photo, obviously my back and road rash
second photo, kinda looks like a low rider
third photo, bent forks yikes



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second photo, kinda looks like a low rider

Yeah, it does have that long & low look. Glad you're OK, btw.

That gives me an idea. A lowrider with a skid plate. A catastrophic failure just turns into a fun, sparky slide to a stop.
Yeah, it does have that long & low look. Glad you're OK, btw.

That gives me an idea. A lowrider with a skid plate. A catastrophic failure just turns into a fun, sparky slide to a stop.

i got some titanium plate from work if you want, i made some skid plates for my boots to mess around. they throw 6 feet of sparks at 25mph.
That's a bummer. Glad you'll ride again though.

It's a good thing that you to explained what happened. May help others not as experienced as you.

Get well fast.
I used to watch my front forks bend in and out a lot on a Pug...I worried this might have happened to me but I guess the chrome-molly is made to do that but still I always wondered! Glad you aren't hurt too bad!
Now for certain I know not to get a springer. Bummer that you had gain more know how on springers this way, the more I read about them the more unreliable they are to me. Hope your road-rash heals quick. What are your plans for forks now?
no springers for me eather, unless they are monarch springers or a set of home made leaf spring forks.
hope your road rash heal quick and you dont get an infection.
Texhun- Im just gunna use some beach cruiser forks

Mooner- thanks a ton. I finally can wear a shirt without gauze on and I worked a full 10 hour day today so I'm healing fast