whats shakin', paul? Rhode Island. you close?Hey Happy,
Where you moving to?
Rhode Island. you close?
i know some of you from another place...fairracing, bamabikeguy, bikeguy joe.
anyway, here's my intro.
live in AZ, moving to East coast next week.
got a couple bikes. havin' fun.
thats about it.
Want some whiskey in your water,
Sugar in your tea.
What's all these crazy questions you asking me.
This is the crazest party that could ever be.
Don't turn on the lights cause I don't want to see.
Mamma told me not to come
Mamma told me not to come
That ain't the way to have fun.
Open up the window,
Let some air into this room.
Think I'm almost choking from the smell of stale perfume.
And that cigarette your smoking bout scare me half to death.
Open up the window sucker,
let me catch my breath.
The radio was blasting,
Someones knocking at the door
I'm looking at my girlfriend,
She's passed out on the floor
I've seen so many things I ain't never seen before.
Don't know what it is I don't want to see no more.