Generic "No Name" Ebay/Amazon engine kits. Anyone use them?


I Have noticed a lot of the people on this forum seem to buy a certain "Name Brand" (GruBee, Flying Horse, RAW, Zeda, BBR, Golden Eagle, DAX, etc) and roll with it.

I was wondering, has anyone here bought one of the cheap, generic kits you can find on eBay, Amazon, Wish, etc. ? If so, how is it, have you had any major problems with it? I was wondering how bad or good the ebay kits are, and how they would stack up to a known brand.
i've never had a problem with any of the no names i have bought. in fact i am sporting a few on my bikes right now. my fav bike has a $90 kit installed, modded it of course. high hat head and custom exhaust with a bbr stage one cdi and bbr's 1 gallon tank. thing runs like a champ. incredible smooth ride, pulls hard, and sips gas if i keep off the throttle. i actually really like the no name single piece jug/head kits too. those have always run real hard and smooth for me. the brand name ones are nice for the fact they usually have jap bearings in them. if you aren't hotroding your motor all the time, the chinese bearings hold up just fine. just ask sparky, my bike with around 5k miles on it, or green bean my baby girl MTB. green bean has had three cylinders, same bearings, no problems yet. idk how many miles though, i stopped counting after 3k. i ride green bean around 300 miles a weekend. she runs great, just likes new rings and a cylinder now and then. could prob just swap rings, but i like wearing them in as a set and keeping the old cylinders to give to my family member's for their bikes. i'd have to say the best kit was tht $90 no name kit i found on amazon. most my no namers are pk-80 style, a few of them are a bit different, but i try to stay with the pk-80 clones for the high torque output over higher rpm range of the shorter stroke engines.oh and one last thing, the only thing i ever change in the no name kits is the chain, and exhaust( i started making my own pipes). sometimes the cdi, not tht i have too, i just like a beefier coil pack over a transformer cdi. just depends on if i slap a high compression head on or not.
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I bought a generic I guess,on Amazon, it’s called a Sange, I’m new to the hobby as well and I’ve messed up the fuel mixture, and had to modify the motor mounts, and after all that ,it runs great now that I’ve got the right fuel and have the carb dialed in, I’m excited to start my next build!!
For what it’s worth I have had good luck with name brands as well as the no name engine kits, my main bike has a eBay 48cc from 2011 that runs well with a few mods, other than one blown base gasket earlier last month. My oldest engine is a 2010 grubee 48 which I just installed on my latest project. If you run it reasonably and not run it like you stole it most will do well.
Yea I had a no name 48cc on a Nel Luso with no engine work done to it only had a modded stock exhaust and a speed carb and it's still running great... Sold it to my brother and he hasn't had a single problem... As long as you take care of them they will take care of you, it don't matter if it's stock or a full blown race engine...
I Have noticed a lot of the people on this forum seem to buy a certain "Name Brand" (GruBee, Flying Horse, RAW, Zeda, BBR, Golden Eagle, DAX, etc) and roll with it.

I was wondering, has anyone here bought one of the cheap, generic kits you can find on eBay, Amazon, Wish, etc. ? If so, how is it, have you had any major problems with it? I was wondering how bad or good the ebay kits are, and how they would stack up to a known brand.
I got the $87 one on ebay... it has worked just like advertised...but,
.... alot of the componets have worn out really fast...
1...lost my clutch handle lock pin
2...415 chain failed
3...wore out my twist trottle
Keep in mind i did this build like 2 months ago...& stuff wears out, but extra fast when you get what you paid
But on the whole, its actually been a really good decision as a beginner!
hi I've baught my 66from bicycle motor works, the block itself is a no namer, from the gate I've never drove the engine stock personally I've upgraded a few things before installation, hi comp head, thrust f2 exahust,accell high compression 8mm sparkplug wire for hot rods v8 engine believe this **** it works unscrew the original wire screw in the hi perf wire and you won't halfto change the actual cdi , the spark plug im using a champion l77jc4 for marine 2 stroke both the wire and plug has gained instant power , like the other guy said most of the stock parts wear and tear down to breakable pieces I figure weather it's name brand or no name, no matter you get wear and tear on any engine you buy and drive I enjoy the 66 good low end torque and high end speed the zeda88 exahust pipe helps out big time just got one 2 weeks ago my main prob now is chain breaking but good luck with whatever you get
I have 2 "no namers" currently. My first build was a panel tech 48cc from Amazon, $110 I think it cost me. Had some problems initially, both magneto magnet and magneto coil came factory installed wrong, and with a washer stuck between the two. It was my first build and I didn't have the knowledge I have now. It took me days to figure out the problem, I kept thinking it was something that I did wrong, when really it was the fault of the factory. Other than that the engine was pretty sweet. After break in, I beat the piss out of it and it kept on a running. A year and a half or so after building, the crank case cracked, (probably my fault, loose chain...). Planning on rebuilding it this winter when it's to cold to be out riding.
I just completed my second bike. Another "no name" El cheapo engine kit, this one is a 66cc though. Also from Amazon. l put it on an old Murray beach cruiser ladies model I just chopped. So far so good, but to early to tell. This kit was a bit more expensive than the last, and it shows. Has Allen heads for all engine hardware instead of those darn flat heads, and came with a much better chain tensioner than my previous kit.
Long story short, from my experience, you get what you pay for. If you got the money for the more expensive kit, I would go for it. But at the same time, the cheap "no name" kits have been good for me so far. That's one of my favorite things about these cheap China girls. If they ever break beyond my repair skills....I'll throw it out and build another, and not even break the bank. I wouldn't go as far as to call them disposable, but they kinda are. Ride em till they burn.