I have one engine with 800+ miles on it and I broke it in with 40:1 Valvoline standard 2 stroke oil and then I've run about 60:1 mix of Opti 2 mostly since and I have took it on several 15-20 mile trips and ran it almost full throttle the entire way without ever having an issue and it still runes great.
I have another one that I ran semi sunthetic in for about the first 50-75 miles and now it is on Opti 2 @ 60:1 and it runs like a champ.
just about any oil will work and I have used several in many 2 smokers but I will have to say that the Opti 2 has proven itself to me to be one of the best out there IMO, very little smoke, runs very clean in the engine and because of the small amount needed it is very economical to use.......so from a 1 to 10 rating I'll give it a 10+.
In a not so tight tolerance engine the quality of the oil is more important than the quantity IMO, oil mixed with fuel offers very little cushion but having a very high film strength highly lubricating oil will fair much better for making an engine last than a thicker coating of lesser quality lubricant, thats why some of the newest and most powerful modern engine use engine oils like 0w - 20w Synthetics instead of the 20W - 50W oil that was used a few years ago in manny HO engines, high quality lube doesnt have to be thick, its all about film strength and how the oil acts in extreme heat & pressure conditions, and that is why oils like Opti 2 are actually much better than any of the conventional oils and this has been proven over & over.....
I say break in just the way you have been at 32:1 and then after 100miles or so get soem quality Synthetic oil and lean the mixer to a point you feel comfortable and enjoy good engine life and have fun.....this is my opinion nothing more nothing less so please no one come unglued thinking I'm bashing conventional oils, I'm not just truthfully stating some facts about the synthetics advantages proven by science an trial not just my opinion...
Peace :-}