Free Free Free

Thats why yours was late. It got hung in some machine somewhere. well glad I went ahead and did the website.
/For those of you who have visited my site but not recently I have added a link to some old time photos. Sorry I don't have any bikes there.
I've been checking out the Reily short stories. On reccomendation I'm printing out Rum Runner. Please don't take this wrong but your stories make great bathroom reading (one of my favorite reading roomsrotfl). Keep up the good work Deacon...Kelly
fair racing,

I took a dodge van to Ohio in January that year just to see what sleeping in the back without any heat was like. I had a volunteer meet me there to help keep me warm under the covers. Trust me I did that one night just so that I knew what cold really was, then I turned on the ceramic furnace. But I know exactly how the hero felt.

those were better men than me for sure.
or you can choose download and people can download it either for free or a price

I did that in singapore of all places. It was just the same as setting up a website and downloading it from there. They did nothing to promote the book so the only people who saw it or bought it are the ones I drove to the site myself. Just too much trouble since nothing ever happened.
I recently finished Rum Runner and enjoyed it very much, I like the use of the bikes that you incorperated into the story. Anyone have any reccomendations on the next one I read. Thanks again Deacon, I'm really digging these stories...Kelly
I've read "Dance with the Deacon", "Rum Runner", "A Place to Die", and just starting "Paris Knight". I enjoyed them all. I've read most of the Short Stories too. "What the Blind Eye Saw" was very good too. Deacon is a very talented writer. I'm glad we have him on board here........................
thanks guys most of the novels are in series. Dance with the deacon and rumrunner are the first two then there is deacons song. Which was actually the first one in the series I wrote, My uncle was in WW2 and i used to listen to his stories, Then I realized that there had been a member of our family in almost every major war, So I took to writing about the wars

I recommend deacon's song , place to die, paris nights..... Those are the better of the deacon series....

There is another full series the Lincoln Wells series that was my first novel. "Find Julie" I liked it cause it is set in this area.

What the blind eye saw was a fun story to write. I once lived in Wilmington nc and I loved the coastal towns down there.

If I had to choose my favorite one, it would be Paris Knight. I stayed wake nights to finish it,.

For those who read rumrunner I have to tell you It is supposed to feel really cold as you read it. I spent a week on the road in a minivan camping out with no heater just to see what it would be like. It was miserable.

I also did the research for lust and murder in small town x on that trip. Lust and murder in small town x is set in OHIO bgjoe
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