thanks guys most of the novels are in series. Dance with the deacon and rumrunner are the first two then there is deacons song. Which was actually the first one in the series I wrote, My uncle was in WW2 and i used to listen to his stories, Then I realized that there had been a member of our family in almost every major war, So I took to writing about the wars
I recommend deacon's song , place to die, paris nights..... Those are the better of the deacon series....
There is another full series the Lincoln Wells series that was my first novel. "Find Julie" I liked it cause it is set in this area.
What the blind eye saw was a fun story to write. I once lived in Wilmington nc and I loved the coastal towns down there.
If I had to choose my favorite one, it would be Paris Knight. I stayed wake nights to finish it,.
For those who read rumrunner I have to tell you It is supposed to feel really cold as you read it. I spent a week on the road in a minivan camping out with no heater just to see what it would be like. It was miserable.
I also did the research for lust and murder in small town x on that trip. Lust and murder in small town x is set in OHIO bgjoe