For Old Guys Only

This is a change of subject but this 4th of July weekend I made a discovery it is hard as heck to tote a 30 pack of beer on my MB . It was only for about 5 miles and when I got home sat down popped the top on one I got a good beer shower . I did enjoy the 4th though .
It's not the procedure. I just sleep through it. It's the 24 hours prior that I'm dealing with today. What fun!!!

After my last one, I requested that the nurse put "colonoscopy" on my allergy list. She acted like no one had ever requested that before.....

Wish I'd have thought of that. When I had mine I watched it on the monitor... there was nothing else on. It looked like Journey To The Center Of The Earth except I didn't see a goose but there was definitely some spellunking.
Found a fork!


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Left behind from a previous expedition no doubt. At least he got to keep the fork. Probably a lot easier to sit down now.
Good to hear. At least they got it out of Racie before it mutated and multiplied. Happy it turned out well for both of ya.
