For Old Guys Only

Tinsmith & fasteddy,
Thanks, but enough already.

I don't think the 99 Predator is available anymore. Not that much different from the 79 cc Predator which is a real good motor with lots of low end grunt. I've used both and have the 99 on an old Schwinn cruiser with a Qmatic transmission running it. Would have to count the teeth on my drive wheel sprocket, but yes it is a big sprocket. I think you're smart going for a 4 stroke. How steep are your hills and about how much do you weigh? I don't have that many steep hills where I live and weigh in at 225. I'm not much for speed either, mostly just don't want to pedal.
I'm always swolled up and right now my left ankle is stoved up and swolled up. I just don't want SB to get a swolled up head. It can be serious.

I wasn't there on the day that dirt was invented. However, I do remember when the patent expired..........

Also, 'swolled-up' is what happens to the crick after a turd-floater least in my little part of the world.
I've been asked before about "what was the world like in black and white?" I suppose I should be thankful nobody's asked me about the cave paintings yet.
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Went to the garage earlier to take the bike out for a spin. There was water on the garage floor...........hmmmm.

The other day, I read that the average American discards $650 of food per year. I feel that I am more frugal than that. Well, when your upright freezer goes out, you hit that average very quickly. It was only 11 years old. I guess that a garage in Oklahoma is considered "severe duty"............

Oh well, I saw stuff that I hadn't seen in years!!
So Lud, you are the man behind the cave paintings? You know if you had signed your work they would be worth a whole lot more when you die. Long ago I had a customer ask me to sign the piece of work I had made for her. I asked "why"? She told me it would be worth more when I die. No kidding!
Sorry! From all the photos I've seen over the years you signed them real goooooood and a often. Good for you. Now I know another famous person.

Can I get your autograph (mammoth) before you go hunting? Let me know when you find one of the critters, I'd like to see what they taste like. I used to run a large cattle/hog operation in my younger(other) life so I'm always up for trying some different (extinct) breed of cattle on the grill.

Happy hunting!

See if you can get some Heck beef, the attempted breeding backwards to recreate an aurochs; I have also seen it written that the longhorns actually contain a lot of aurochs dna though, so you may have eaten something like one.
I was looking at some of the cattle involved in the backward breeding and there is a beautiful black bull with silver down his back and around the snout. Absolutely beautiful animal. Didn't raise any longhorns, but probably tasted some when in Texas or Arizona sometime back. They have a lot of Brahma cattle down that way also, and I think I was told they tolerate the heat pretty well down that way. As much as I enjoy eating beef, being around the animals and working with them was what I truly enjoyed and am thankful I got to do what I really wanted to do for as long as I was physically able.

Eat Beef!

Good grief.
I just saw a segment on the local news telling where you can go to watch fireworks displays on your 'smart phone'. Oh yeah, just what I want to do. Watch fireworks on a 2 or 3 square inch screen. Good Lord.

It amazes me what passes for entertainment today. Why don't these idiots get off their fat butts and go watch the real thing?

Can you imagine a family sitting on the sofa, ooohing and ahhhing over what they see on a phone? "Daddy, hold the phone over here. I can't see it." Good grief!

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I concur Tom. Why would anyone want to watch a movie or sporting even on a three in screen? I can see the occasion when you are following an event and maybe want to get an update or something, but come on. Although this comes from someone who doesn't even have a cell phone, what do I know?

I am in line to join the rest of humanity soon. Jackie wants me to have one with me when I go ride out in the countryside, so soon I will be just another old guy w/cell phone. Of course I can't hear well enough to use one so I will have to learn the text mode of communication. Should be entertaining.

Are we old farts or what?

I get to sit on my back porch and watch the Moore, Ok fireworks production. No traffic. No crying kids. No shirt/no problem. Oh, and open bar! Whoop! Whoop!
You're being silly Tom, the kids all have their own cellphones now. Much better, and newer than I can afford.

When I was a kid, if we wanted to go to see a saturday matinee (at the moving picture theater) we would go out and find empty pop bottles and turn them in at the corner store for the two cent deposit. We didn't even bother to ask the parents for the money to go. I'm not saying we were poor or anything or that my parents didn't care but they didn't indulge us frivolously. One time there was a promotional deal at the movie house and you could get in free if you presented a proof of purchase from a local brand of coffee. So, when my two brothers and I had saved up the needed three proofs my mom made us homemade french fries to take in for a snack. We sneaked them in and the other kids went nuts over the smell of french fries. We gobbled them up in a hurry and passed out some to whoever was closest. Mom could have easily given us the money to buy popcorn but we learned the value of a dollar and self reliance. And really, homemade french fries... I can still smell them and feel the greasy paper bag which we had to ditch immediately before the usher-goons nabbed us.

damn good times