For Old Guys Only

I finally got the stack-able individual component, high end (circa 1990) stereo system I couldn't afford at $2000 plus in high school. Pawn shop. Chewed the fat with the guy, talked him down to $150 ish, including some really nice extra speakers. One of the cassette decks still had the factory tape across it. Half of the wiring was still factory wrapped. It was like a time warp. I'd tell people it was "next years model, direct from Tokyo". Nobody knew until they Googled it! Can't remember what happened to it.

I won't get long winded, but I had a reel to reel as a toy when I was very young because nobody wanted them. I learned to record. I learned to partially dis-assemble it and put it back together. 15 or something hours of poorly recorded music from the radio... Ahhh, those were the days:)
I just got myself a new amplifier too.


Yup vacuum tubes - :)
I just got myself a new amplifier too.


Yup vacuum tubes - :)

Congratulations! You must be an audiophile too...

I sooo wish I could afford a McIntosh MC2301.
But then I would also need to afford the C2300 preamplifier, the appropriate signal quality tape deck, receiver, and definately a McIntosh MT10 turntable.
CD's would be ok too, but you can't beat the sound of a good record or quality tape.
Yes, Dan there is.
Think of it as the master control for a rack system. It also controls the signal strength of all the input devices so the main amplifier receives the same strength of input signal from the input devices you wish to listen to no matter what the natural output of the device is.
So not as to overdrive the main amplifier or make you need to crank the main amplifier's volume waaay up when listening to a record then turning the volume waaay down when listening to a receiver.

I love music, I like MP3 players for their convenience, CD's for actually being able to hold a recording in your hand (perhaps the last "new" version of recording media to let you do this?), but the sound quality pales if compared to a record or high quality tape.
Records rule!
I have one of these (but without the fancy stand) with jacks in it for a low power guitar amp, Hacker Gondolier 7w slave amp. All valve, superb tone through 12" Celestion

And one of these, minus the fitted cab, half solid state, half valve, razor wire and chainsaw sound. Marshalls are effeminate next to it
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Oh yeah, gotta have vinyl.


I got some hi-tech in here too, the Olive has all my CD's on a hard drive.


The real magic comes from the speaks. These are a pair of DIY vented boxes with the Tang Band W8-1772 full range driver. They sound amazing.


That amplifier is a dared i30 integrated, no preamp needed. No, not as good as McIntosh, but much less expensive. The sound is very good - :)
A couple of Christmases ago I bought myself a nice turntable with a built in iPod dock, USB port and RCA in and out connections. I'm pretty sure it was around $120-130 then. It's currently a part of the stereo set-up in the living room, but it was hooked to my PC for months while I converted vinyls and tapes to digital. I rarely use the iPod dock on it though, since it's sitting on top of a 300 disc CD changer I bought myself a couple of Christmases before the turntable, when things were better.
Hey guys, just saw this>
on the news tonight. Vinyl records are making a comeback. Good, I miss the touch and feel of a record but I also miss, 'Album Art'. Remember some of those great album jackets? Emerson Lake & Palmer's Tarcus? Jeff Wayne's 'War of the Worlds' and lots more. Even the Beatles had some great artwork on their album covers.
I think it's cool. :)

Did your record stores have 1 or 2 booths where you could listen to the latest records with a pair of earphones? We asked the counter staff to put a record on a turn table behind the front counter and then we went into the booth and listened to it and is we liked it we would buy it.

There always semed to be a line up of people waiting though.

Really amazing Tom, the growth. I am a big fan of vinyl but IMHO, the sound is nowhere near that of CDs.

LOL, I am gonna get yelled at for that, I'm sure.

Some Sundays when Carol is happily "putzing" around upstairs, she has her old records playing. Sleepy lil old town in a sleepy old New England house with faint sounds of Carol King and Simon and Garfunkel in the back ground. Just not the same on CD.

Now am wondering where my LPs ended up. Blondie, Boston, Styx, Paul and Arthur.
You used the "putzing" word to describe serious house work? You Sir, are either a very brave man or looking for a trip under the rose bushes as a rosebush enhancer.

LOL Steve. Carol describes my eminent demise at her hand in a much less politically correct manor.
Hey guys, just saw this>
on the news tonight. Vinyl records are making a comeback. Good, I miss the touch and feel of a record but I also miss, 'Album Art'. Remember some of those great album jackets? Emerson Lake & Palmer's Tarcus? Jeff Wayne's 'War of the Worlds' and lots more. Even the Beatles had some great artwork on their album covers.
I think it's cool. :)


Well Tom, we've gone from hub cleaning leather do-hickeys to greatest album cover of all time. Hold on!

My vote is ready. It's sexy, but your grandmother wouldn't be embarrassed. It's also a classic album in my fathers old circles, and probably with some of you as well, but it's only about the cover art.

The Ohio Players- Skin Tight

Sorry for the bad photo. You can actually see it better if you don't click on it. Quick, get the grandkids- that's a real live cassette cover:)


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