EZR's Full Suspension Summer Project

HI Easy,

WOW!.....you had throttle left ?!?!?....I guess by then the Depends were full! ;-O

I may just have to ask Santa for one of those Morini's!

Glad you had fun!.....Be careful tho!

I really don't mean to offend you EZR, but i must say that is a complete waste of a great full suspension V frame... It looks very nice, and I'd bet the engine is a tough one, but the hardware and the frame just don't functionally match.

The frame is practically DESIGNED for an 80cc and a SBP shifter kit!!!

I hate to be the negative one on this thread, and I'm sure I'll catch some **** for saying it... But it needed to be said.
Not at all am I offended because its your honest opinion. It was a project that had to change my plans to accomadate the engine. If you would have read some of my post in this thread, I wrote that I didn't want to alter my frame because I want to converted it back to a Non-Motorized bicycle. I have had my fun with a HT motor but probably won't own another HT because I love the reliablity and speed of the Morini.
Removing the shock worked out in my opinion because it eliminated the need for a chain tensioner with a roller. I do plan on changing it back to a regular bike soon. (once I get a chance to have Dean build another chrome moly frame.)
Hello Easy Rider

I m from Quebec Canada , I speak french , so sorry for my poor English .

Your project is simply amazing , nice looking bike !

Do you think that I can install a engine like your on my kmx kart?

If I use a part of frame like the normal bike have , to hold the engine?

I would like your ideas guys

PS. I m green in motorized bike world


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Man KMXkart, That is one sweet looking bike. I bet that thing would scream with a Morini on it. Knowing Dean from Santa Cruz Scooter Works/ Pipelyne, if there's one thing I've learned from him and that is "Anything is possible".
BTW Welcome to the board!
I rode to my Mom's home in San Jose and on the way home I took Capital Expressway (50mph zone) and I was passing cars with ease. I was definitely hitting 50+mph with some throttle to spare.

I don't recommend going this fast on a bicycle...it's just too fast and scary.
At one point all I was thinking was Don't .bf.

Thats WILD!!! 50+mph on a bicycle is awesome! I've been in the 50's myself, and I can say, that it can get scary, but at the same time, more fun! However, it's taking me 196cc to get there, and you are getting that speed with 50cc! I'm impressed!

Crazy Riding!
Hello Easy rider,
I have found a guy who have put a little engine from china on his kmxkart.

It look great, except that I have a disk brake on my kmx and It would required a jackshaft
to transfer the chain the other side !

I would like to know If your engine is way more bigger then the china ones ?I can start the project witout knowing If I have enough space !

In the last post I have send you the address, but I have been accuse of spamming :)

well to see the pics all you have to do is to go in google search in IMAGE for Recumbent Motortrike and that it

thank again
After checking out the picture of the kart, I relized that you don't have a lot of room. I think you would have to build a motor mount on the right side of the bike to make a Morini fit.
I think your best and easiest way to put a motor on the kart is to go with the Dax 4 stroke Titan set up.
KMX , There is a way to attach the drive chain to the disk brake , ask andyinchville1. He also has videos on youtube to see how it fits on the disk. hope this is what you are looking for. Good luck !
If those Armadillo tires are the kevlar-walled ones, they're awesome. I got a rear flat miles from my destination. I rode at 1/4 throttle for a sketchy 5 miles or so, thought for sure it was a goner, but sidewalls weren't so bad. For safety, put on new tire (same one but without kevlar sides) and a new tube at work and rode home. Got another flat and barely made a half mile and sidewalls shredded. Had to hitchhike. Next day, put the first flatted one back on and rode!

My new bike is also full suspension, as I'm convinced the hardtail jarring on rough roads contributed to the many pinch flats I got. Your's is sweet to have opportunity for jackshaft and shifting. SCORE!
Ha HA HA, just realized how old the original thread was, and didn't notice 16 pages of posts, and typed mine in as if I went back in time looking at the bare-framed bike...sorry! Does it still exist? Didn't bother reading the 16 pages.
Yes the bike still exist and still has the Armadillo tires on them. So in your previous post you mentioned a flat. Did you get a flat on your Armadillo tire? I've pulled out thorns, glass and all kinds of goodies out of my tires and still haven't had a single flat yet.
I was getting tons of pinch flats. Had to drop tire size fron 2.1 to 1.5 to clear chain, reduced overall tire height combined with higher speeds and rough roads were more than the tubes could take. Mr Tuffy tire liner and slime only help with punctures, not quadruple slits from a pinch.
I use a thorn proof inner tube that has thick rubber side walls also. I found out the hard way that tires and inner tubes is not the place to skimp on durability.
I was actually going to race the Spooky Tooth Death Race with my bike but Dean caught the Flu this week so I decided not to drive 13 hour one way by myself. I changed the Armidillos to some 26x 2.3 street tires. I just got back from testing it on a windy road and was surprised how well they handled. I could go faster into the turns without the tires slipping. I just wish the race wasn't so far.

EZR, I am sorry if you have answered this question before. I have tried to see if there has been a reply, but did not see it . When installing this exhaust would I need to re-jet the carburetor or is this an istallation that doesn't need any carb adjustment? Thanx BTW awesome build !