EZR's Full Suspension Summer Project

It's a Go-ped tank with a backing plate that bolts up to the hole pattern of the tank. On the backing plate Dean welded a straight bar that bolts up to the forks. It's pretty easy to make but hard to explain. I'll post pics of it this weekend.
Re: Top Speed

Now that we have a couple of full suspension bikes for the trails, my poor little bike has been collecting dust in the shop. I'm think of hitting King's Sales up for another sprocket. If a 47 tooth sprocket can get me to 44 mph, do you think a 44 tooth sprocket can get me to the 50 mph mark? Or should I go with something smaller like a 36 or 40 tooth sprocket?
The only thing that worries me is how long will it take to get into the pipe during acceleration.
Hi Easy,

On a bike with the HT engines and a 26" rear wheel, generally each tooth you lose off the rear sprocket gets you 1 additional MPH on the top end.

I am not sure what the rule is when using a Morini engine tho BUT if you are into tinkering, I have a 38T Hard Coated sprocket for use with the Top Hat Adapter (which I think you are using) that I can sell to you for $30.00 which includes shipping (It was a sprocket we built for another customer but the customer wanted a different color....it was our error so we made and shipped the customer another sprocket of the right color).

Hope this helps you.


PS - If the Morini follows the same speed gains as the HT based on gearing (and it it has enough power to pull it to speed) you may be able to hit 53 MPH with the 38T!! ....Be Careful!! ;-O
Oh...I almost forgot, to get some of the acceleration back on the low end using the smaller sprocket, are different clutch springs available for the Morini? (If you can find stiffer clutch springs, that would allow the engine to rev higher before engaging thus allowing more power to be developed before the centrifugal clutch engages....hopefully enough to counter the steeper gearing?

Just a thought...

All I have to say is..... You inspire me.

You are the guy who makes me believe that I can always take it to the next level and look back with no regrets.

Thank you and the only place to go from here is.... a bigger engine! You going to put the morini 9.4 HP or the 11.3 HP engine on it? My life would be complete after that. Well... trying NOS after that would be fun too:D

Then finding a way to turbo charge itrotfl
Thanks Poon, but remember you're not going with a bigger engine...just a faster one! The Morinis are only 49.8cc. I was going to get the 9.4 hp cylinder but the 5.8 with the new reed cage is plenty fast plus.:D
Hey Andy, consider the 38 sold! Thanks Buddy!(^)
Thanks Poon, but remember you're not going with a bigger engine...just a faster one! The Morinis are only 49.8cc. I was going to get the 9.4 hp cylinder but the 5.8 with the new reed cage is plenty fast plus.:D
Hey Andy, consider the 38 sold! Thanks Buddy!(^)

Ha! So I can use NOS for a 5.8 HP and really get up the mountain.^5
But really... I took a look at your youtube 40 mph hill climb. I showed it to my welder friend who now sees' that this project is worth doing.

I would also stick to a higher tooth engine because of the low end torque it gives.

So why do you not have a full suspension.?
Ha! So I can use NOS for a 5.8 HP and really get up the mountain.^5

Here's a little project that cost me a few bucks in R&D Nitrous work. Three motors and three completely destroyed motors from bent rods, exploded reed cages, blown rings and melted pistons! LOL
If I can give any advice to anyone here...it would be: Don't every use nitrous on a two cycle motor!

The rear suspension idea was scraped because I didn't want to alter my frame but it worked out for the best. I ended up using the rear suspension as my chain tensioner.
Hey Easy Love your bikes I'm doin more crusier types but yours are sick Hey where did you get those sweet cross pedals. I live in the middle of no where so no cool bikes stores in my town, Do you all sell them ?

Let me know
I got them at a local bike shop. I think they're Odyssey Pedals. I'll check out next time I stop by the shop and see what brand they are.
Thanks great thanks hey if they have a phone number or web site if they sell to out of staters I'd love to get a set.
Sorry for the delayed responce Dave. But this is where I bought the pedals
Fast Bikes in San Jose, Ca.

Here's their website:

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Today (my last day of vacation) I finally put the 38 tooth sprocket on. It pulled decent on the bottom but took a while to get on the pipe. But when it did...:eek:

38 tooth sprocket
New Carbon fiber reed with after market cage.
6.4 hp ignition.
I rode to my Mom's home in San Jose and on the way home I took Capital Expressway (50mph zone) and I was passing cars with ease. I was definitely hitting 50+mph with some throttle to spare.

I don't recommend going this fast on a bicycle...it's just too fast and scary.
At one point all I was thinking was Don't .bf.
I was passing cars with ease. I was definitely hitting 50+mph with some throttle to spare.

I don't recommend going this fast on a bicycle...it's just too fast and scary.
At one point all I was thinking was Don't .bf.

you are nuts, you and dean need help some special help .rotfl
see you sunday at the races if you are still alive.
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It's called R&D and I'll see you tomarrow! (p)

I think the U4-2 fuel we're using is eating away my fuel line. I tried to go for a ride today and the bike kept cutting out on me.
When I took a part the carb, the jet and needle & seat were clogged with slime.